Rosa Krone

Rosa Krone, Medical Lab Technician at Quincy Medical Group, shares her passion for the field and the impact it has on patient care.

“I believe healthcare is a good industry to be a part of as you can help people and hopefully be able to contribute to any advancements in the future,” she said.

While the path to certification can be challenging for lab professionals, Krone emphasized the rewards and impact one can have in the field.

“Once you’re working in the lab, you see how much we contribute to patient care, even though we don’t have direct contact,” she shared.

One experience stands out for Rosa: “When I was doing my clinicals for the program and one specific Lead Tech made sure to come and let me know that she believed in me, and she knew I would become a great Lab Tech. That really stuck with me as I was really doubting myself and comparing myself to others and not feeling that great about my performance. Those words helped me with telling myself not to give up and I could do this, and I wanted this.”

That encouragement and support continues in her role at QMG, as she recognizes the team she works with as one aspect of her role she enjoys the most.

She shared, “I enjoy the coworkers and the investment we put in our fellow lab professionals to help them grow and become better techs themselves.”