My UnityPoint

Access­ing your health infor­ma­tion should not be lim­it­ed to busi­ness hours. That’s why we offer MyU­ni­ty­Point, so you can access your elec­tron­ic med­ical records (EMR) online, any­time. From view­ing test results and request­ing pre­scrip­tion refills to man­ag­ing your appoint­ments, MyU­ni­ty­Point offers you easy access to your care team when­ev­er and wher­ev­er you are. MyU­ni­ty­Point is acces­si­ble online at chart​.myu​ni​ty​point​.org/​m​y​c​hart/ or through the MyChart app on your smart­phone or tablet. 

Stay con­nect­ed to your health

With MyU­ni­ty­Point you can:

  • Com­mu­ni­cate with your provider
  • Request pre­scrip­tion refills
  • Access test results
  • Man­age appointments
  • View after vis­it sum­maries and provider notes
  • Access your family’s records
  • Review and update your insur­ance information

Access Your Med­ical Records

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How to sign-up for MyUnityPoint

There are three ways to get a new MyU­ni­ty­Point account set up.

  1. Vis­it chart​.myu​ni​ty​point​.org and fol­low the steps to cre­ate your account.
  2. At your next clin­ic appoint­ment, your After Vis­it Sum­ma­ry will include an acti­va­tion code that will enable you to log in and cre­ate your own user­name and password.
  3. You may call your pri­ma­ry care provider’s office or our sup­port team at (877) 224‑4430 to get an acti­va­tion code, or ask to sign up dur­ing your next clin­ic appointment.

Cre­ate an Account

To access your MyU­ni­ty­Point account on your smart­phone, down­load the MyChart app from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). After down­load­ing, select MyU­ni­ty­Point from the app’s list of orga­ni­za­tions to log in to your account.

Once you have an account set up with MyU­ni­ty­Point, you may request proxy access to med­ical records for your child, fam­i­ly mem­bers, or per­sons under your care. While logged into your MyU­ni­ty­Point account, vis­it the Shar­ing sec­tion to request proxy access. Learn more about proxy access here.

For tech­ni­cal ques­tions or help with MyU­ni­ty­Point, view the FAQs page. Or you may email our sup­port team at MyUnityPointSupport@​unitypoint.​org or call (877) 224‑4430. The sup­port team is avail­able Mon­day through Fri­day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.