Early detection is key in all aspects of your health, including your vision.   The Eye and Vision Institute at Quincy Medical Group (QMG) recently added new technology which provides earlier, more accurate diagnosis of eye diseases.

The Zeiss Clarus 700 is an innovative imaging system that takes ultra-wide photos of a patient’s eyes in high resolution.  With signs of disease often located in the far periphery of the retina, the machine is instrumental in identifying health problems early on.

Dr. Abram Geisendorfer, Ophthalmologist with QMG, said the technology is the first of its kind in the area and provides a significant benefit to patients with retinal diseases and disorders.

“For patients with retinal disease, the Zeiss Clarus 700 detects a patient’s disease at its earliest stages by taking images of the retina including the optic nerve and macula.  In addition, we can do an ultra widefield fluorescein angiography which helps fully evaluate people with diabetes, macular degeneration, and other vascular disorders of the retina,” Dr. Geisendorfer said.  “We get a better view of the retina which allows us to better diagnose a patient’s disease and form better treatment plans.”

The test is not done on all patients, only those who currently have or at risk for retinal diseases or disorders.  Dr. Geisendorfer said the test is a simple, painless one for patients.  Patients will experience some bright lights as the images are taken.

That simple test could be life-changing for patients, Dr. Geisendorfer said. “These images allow us to prevent patients from experiencing more serious issues associated with their condition and help saves people’s vision.”

For more information on the Eye and Vision Institute, visit qmgeyes.com.