Summer is winding down and that means back to the school routine. Getting out the door on time and stress-free can be challenging for both kids and parents. QMG Clinical Coordinator of Pediatric Therapy Lynnae Glascock has some helpful tips to help your mornings go easier.

  • Be consistent with bedtime and wake-up time. Consider establishing a consistent time to wake up and go to bed for children. Their bodies will learn to expect this, making sleep and wake times more predictable.
  • Stagger wake-up times for each child. If there are multiple children in your home, consider staggering wake-up times to allow time to help each child.
  • Positivity in the morning is a necessity. Starting the day off with a simple, “good morning”, a smile, a hug, or cuddle time can set the stage for the rest of the day.
  • Planning ahead may help tremendously. Simple activities such as choosing clothes the night before, figuring out breakfast, and packing backpacks will save time and effort in the morning. Involving the child in these decisions is necessary to avoid conflict in the morning.
  • Visual checklists may also be beneficial. Pictures of tasks that need to be completed can help even the youngest child understand their expectations and promotes independence.