Jane Peterson, CNP

Throughout Jane Peterson’s career, she’s never stopped learning, especially from those who relied on her — her patients.

“Having someone who trusts and depends on you for care is so rewarding,” she said. “I have never stopped learning from patients. I received so much more from them than they will ever know.”

Peterson graduated from St John’s Hospital School of Nursing in 1975. She came to Quincy Medical Group (QMG) in 1996 to work as a nurse practitioner. She served as the first Coordinator for the Advance Practice Providers from 2015-2018. Prior to that, she worked in the Blessing Hospital, emergency room for 16 years as the Director of Emergency Service. Other roles she held included serving as EMS Instructor and working in the Cardiac Cath Lab and Infection Control.

“My professional goal was to be a Director of the Emergency Department; however, when I achieved this and really thought about what made me happy, it was taking care of patients,” she shared. “I am so fortunate to be in a position that I go home every day with a feeling that I made a difference for someone.”

She considers taking care of patients as the most rewarding aspect of her career. When she came to QMG to focus on that, she collaborated with physicians from who she continued to learn.

“I came to QMG in June of 1996 to work as a nurse practitioner. Dr. Phil Wilson was my mentor the previous year, and I was fortunate he offered me a position after doing three days of clinical with him,” she said. “I was also lucky to work with him for four years as my collaborating physician. He was the best teacher, role model, and friend.”

When Dr. Wilson retired, Peterson was approached by other physicians to join them. She chose to work with Dr. Mike Kragel. She went on to also collaborate with Dr. Alan Richardson and eventually Dr. Rick Noble, who she worked with the longest, before retiring from her full-time practice in 2020.

Since 2020, she’s worked with Dr. Matt Brink and continued her part-time work in QMG Now — Ambulatory Care Center.

Peterson said throughout her career she’s worked with “some of the best nurses around.” One in particular greatly impacted her time at QMG.

“I worked with Sue Martin from my first day as a student and continued to work with her for the past 26 years. We grew up together, living on the same street. We went to grade school and high school together and both choose the nursing profession,” she shared. “We always agreed on quality healthcare at all times, even if it meant staying late or coming in early to accommodate the patient. We offered same-day access for patients and did many phone calls checking on them. I cannot imagine doing this job without her.”

As Peterson looks to retirement, she is filled with gratitude.

“I thank every patient I have cared for in the past 50 years,” she said. “I want to thank all of the providers and staff at QMG for their support. I could not have done my job without the support and dedication of so many.

She plans to keep busy in retirement and fill it with the people and activities she loves.

“I am so lucky to have six grandchildren and one on the way. I see lots of time spent with them and other family members,” she said. “I look forward to reading a book for fun and not doing research. I love to travel. I plan to be more involved with volunteering in the community.”

Thank you, Jane! We wish you all the best in your retirement!