Theresa Reichert and Olivia Kelle

The QMG Pediatrics team celebrates a heartwarming family connection! Theresa Reichert, a dedicated nurse with more than 30 years of experience, now shares the workplace with her daughter, Olivia Kelle. Kelle brings her own five years of nursing expertise to the team, the latest two months spent here at QMG.

Following in Mom’s Footsteps
Kelle always knew she wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Inspired by her Reichert’s passion for pediatrics, Kelle gravitated towards caring for the younger population.

“I have wanted to be a nurse, just like mom, for as long as I can remember, specifically for the younger population in our community. I had always hoped to end up in Pediatrics, and that probably has everything to do with how much my mom has always loved her job,” Kelle said.

Reichert loves her new coworker. “It feels wonderful,” she says. “We both started out at Blessing Obstetrics and have ended up in Pediatrics at QMG – How cool is that?”

Kelle added, “It seemed only fitting to follow her that closely in my own career path. The more time I spend with the staff here in Pediatrics, the more I hear how much like my mom I am. I know she makes a huge difference in all of her patients’ lives, and I wanted to do just that. I hope to be half the nurse she is.”

Lessons Learned and Admiration Shared
Reichert’s work ethic and vast knowledge have deeply influenced her daughter. “She has taught me, not only in my career, but throughout life itself, to work hard for the things you want,” Kelle shared.

Reichert, in turn, admires her daughter’s dedication and nurturing spirit. “I cannot put into words how proud I am of Olivia. She is a hard worker and genuinely cares for her patients,” Reichert said. “It is so nice to come to work and see her every day. Not only is she a wonderful nurse, but she is also a wonderful mother to her little boy. She juggles her career and motherhood with ease. I am so lucky to have her as a daughter.”

A Meaningful Career
As they reflect on their chosen careers this Nurses’ Week, they both realize they’re right where they belong.

“I love seeing the kids come in. It has been an honor to care for our patients over the years. One of the best things is seeing patients that I have taken care of since they were little, and they are now bringing in their children,” Reichert said.

Kelle added, “I love the connections and relationships you are able to build with patients and their families as you care for them throughout the years. They remember you as their nurse throughout special and/or difficult times throughout their lives. They remember the difference you may have made during that time, big or small.”