Dr. Linda Cooke, Kathy Haycraft DNP, and Susan Voss DNP, have elected to leave Quincy Medical Group and return to independent practice, effective September 17, 2018. Their practices will remain at the current location, and they will function under the name of Riverside Dermatology and Spa. We appreciate their years of service to our patients and the quality care they have provided.


  1. If you are expecting lab results. Quincy Medical Group has an obligation to provide continuity of care to all of our patients, so if your results are received after September 17, Dr. Sumul Gandhi, board-certified dermatologist and MOHS surgeon, will contact you with your results and any follow-up that is needed.
  2. Your medical record information remains at Quincy Medical Group and no records transfer is necessary. Please call our Dermatology department at (217) 223-6550, ext. 3117 to reschedule your appointment with us. Your insurance coverage with Quincy Medical Group remains the same.
  3. Your primary care provider may also be helpful with your skin care needs or offer recommendations for dermatology providers. Please feel free to call your primary care provider for any questions you may have.
  4. In addition to our Dermatology department, our Plastic Surgery department also provides cosmetic services.
  5. If you would like to transfer your skin care records to Riverside Dermatology, we need your signed authorization. Please call our Release of Information Department at (217) 222-6550, ext. 3793 or email roi@quincymedgroup.com. You may download a copy of the release form HERE. Following receipt of your signed release of information form, Quincy Medical Group will transfer your records to Riverside Dermatology and they will contact you to arrange for your appointment.


We will honor, respect and help facilitate your choice of provider and assist you in scheduling the appointments you need for you and your family.

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