Alesi Cobb

Alesi Cobb’s career began at Quincy Medical Group (QMG) in 2020 as a Patient Excellence Representative. Over the course of three years, she has transitioned into the role of a Medical Assistant (MA) working in various departments, including Ears, Nose & Throat (ENT), Nephrology, Primary Care, Specialty Care, and QMG Now Urgent Care.

Cobb’s desire to pursue a career in healthcare was inspired by her personal experience — when someone close to her suffered a serious health issue. It was the compassion from the nurses she remembers most during this person’s treatment.

“Besides the fact that I love caring and helping others, it was truly after [this person’s serious health issue] that I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field,” she shared. “[They] had great doctors, but it was the nursing staff who truly made an impact on our lives. The nurses always went above and beyond with answering questions and providing comfort and reassurance.”

Working alongside dedicated providers and nurses, Cobb finds herself in a continuous state of learning.

“It’s rewarding being able to take part in providing care to our patients while working alongside of amazing providers and nurses who always show a willingness to teach and inform,” she said. “Every day is different and I’m always learning something new.”

Cobb acknowledges the profound impact her career as an MA will have on her future. Her experiences, both as a Patient Excellence Representative and now as an MA, have equipped her with invaluable skills and a deep understanding of patient-centered care.

She stated, “My dream is to eventually obtain a degree in nursing. I’m thankful that my career as a medical assistant will benefit me in the long run.”

For more information on MA opportunities at QMG, visit