Hydrafacial Club

Only Hydrafa­cial uses patent­ed tech­nol­o­gy to cleanse, extract, and hydrate. Hydrafa­cial super serums are made with nour­ish­ing ingre­di­ents that cre­ate an instant­ly grat­i­fy­ing glow in just 3 steps:

  • Cleanse + Peel: Uncov­er a new lay­er of skin with gen­tle exfo­li­a­tion and relax­ing resurfacing.
  • Extract + Hydrate: Remove debris from pores with pain­less suc­tion. Nour­ish with intense mois­tur­iz­ers that quench skin.
  • Fuse + Pro­tect: Sat­u­rate the skin’s sur­face with antiox­i­dants and pep­tides to max­i­mize your glow.

You know you love a Hydrafa­cial, now you can join the club and save!

Choose the Mem­ber­ship That’s Right for You

  • Club Mem­ber­ship — Enjoy one Hydrafa­cial each month.
  • Lux­u­ry Mem­ber­ship — Enjoy one Hydrafa­cial each month PLUS add a micro­der­mabra­sion or a facial mas­sage each month.

Each mem­ber­ship is billed month­ly. If you pre-pay for an entire year of the Hydrafa­cial Club, you’ll receive your 13th month of free!

Call us today at (217) 222‑6550, ext. 3435 to join the club!

Club Details
No Mem­ber­ship Fee.
Cer­tifi­cates expire 1 year after issuance.
Cer­tifi­cates mailed to you once a month.
Cer­tifi­cates may be gifted.
Aver­age treat­ment time: Club Mem­ber­ship – 30 min­utes. Lux­u­ry Mem­ber­ship – 45 minutes.
Lux­u­ry Club Mem­bers, please sched­ule your add-on ser­vice (micro­derm or facial mas­sage) when you sched­ule your appointment.
You may can­cel your mem­ber­ship at any­time by call­ing (217) 222‑6550, ext. 3435.
After your can­cel­la­tion, you must wait 90 days to re-enroll in the Hydrafa­cial Club.