Anti-Aging Treatments

Whether you’re con­sid­er­ing pre­ven­tive care or look­ing to address spe­cif­ic con­cerns, Quin­cy Med­ical Group’s Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy & Aes­thet­ics team pro­vides a vari­ety of treat­ment options designed to tar­get con­cerns like wrin­kles, fine lines, and loss of skin elasticity.


eMa­trix™ is a frac­tion­al radiofre­quen­cy laser skin resur­fac­ing treat­ment that is FDA-cleared to gen­tly resur­face the skin over 4 to 5 treat­ments. It tight­ens sur­face loose skin, improves skin tex­ture and reduces the appear­ance of mild to mod­er­ate wrin­kles, acne scar­ring, and abdom­i­nal stretch marks. It also tight­ens pores and bright­ens the skin.

eMa­trix™ is tru­ly unique because it helps achieve results one would get with more aggres­sive laser treat­ments with­out the lengthy downtime.

For­ma + For­ma Plus Skin Tightening

For­ma is the first auto-adjust­ing, non-inva­sive, ther­mal skin treat­ment for deep and uni­form tis­sue stim­u­la­tion. The tech­nol­o­gy allows for long-last­ing, vir­tu­al­ly pain­less, and extra­or­di­nar­i­ly effec­tive skin tight­en­ing with essen­tial­ly no down­time what­so­ev­er. The device uses radiofre­quen­cy to gen­tly heat the deep col­la­gen of the skin and stim­u­lates remod­el­ing with a series of six to eight week­ly treat­ments. There is no down­time in this effec­tive lunch-time” pro­ce­dure that will make any­one look years younger!

Frac­to­ra Skin Resurfacing

Frac­to­ra deliv­ers tar­get­ed radiofre­quen­cy ener­gy via micronee­dles to var­i­ous depths of the skin result­ing in dra­mat­ic improve­ments to active acne, acne scars, super­fi­cial and deep wrin­kles, rough tex­ture and dis­col­oration, and skin lax­i­ty. It meets and exceeds results obtained with Frax­el laser and has sig­nif­i­cant­ly less down­time after treatment.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

  • NanoLaser Peel – This is a super­fi­cial laser treat­ment with min­i­mal down­time that removes the sur­face lay­er of dead skin. It is a great treat­ment option for all skin tones and any­one look­ing to ease their way into deep­er laser treat­ments. It helps improve mild sur­face tex­ture and tone and leaves skin smoother, brighter, and glowing.
  • Micro­Laser Peel – This is a medi­um-depth laser resur­fac­ing treat­ment that is well-suit­ed for medi­um-depth wrin­kles, mod­er­ate tex­ture, acne scars, sun dam­age, fine lines, and any­one that desires smoother skin with a brighter com­plex­ion. This treat­ment is per­fect for the begin­ning signs of aging and fine lines. Expect a one-week down­time with this treatment.
  • Deep Resur­fac­ing Laser – This resur­fac­ing laser treat­ment is cus­tomiz­able to treat your areas of biggest con­cern. It helps melt away deep wrin­kles and tex­ture, as well as improv­ing the appear­ance of pores, stub­born pig­ment, and melas­ma. Expect a two-week down­time with this treatment.

Lumec­ca Photo­fa­cial (IPL – Intense Pulsed Light)

For patients look­ing to address facial pig­men­ta­tion, super­fi­cial ves­sels, skin tex­ture and/​or pho­to­dam­age, Lumec­ca is the opti­mal solu­tion. Lumec­ca treat­ments improve skin com­plex­ion, reduce skin irreg­u­lar­i­ties and help patients look years younger.

The bright flash­es of light tar­get abnor­mal brown and red col­ors in the skin, result­ing in improved clar­i­ty and even­ness of the com­plex­ion. In 1 – 3 ses­sions, you can expect to see a dra­mat­ic improve­ment in age spots, sun dam­age, vas­cu­lar lesions (spi­der veins, bro­ken blood ves­sels, port wine stains, cher­ry angiomas, rosacea), and freckles.

Plas­ma Skin Tightening

Plas­ma skin tight­en­ing is a non-inva­sive alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al surgery to help elim­i­nate exces­sive tis­sue that caus­es sag­ging skin and unwant­ed wrin­kles. With this cus­tomiz­able treat­ment, we use a device to burn hun­dreds of tiny crusts on the skin in areas such as the upper eye­lids to elim­i­nate the excess tis­sue, leav­ing your skin lift­ed and tightened.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP is an effec­tive ther­a­py for hair thin­ning and hair loss. It involves tak­ing a small amount of the patient’s own blood and pro­cess­ing it so that only the nutri­ent and growth-fac­tor platelets and plas­ma remain. This liq­uid is then inject­ed direct­ly into areas of hair loss, usu­al­ly requir­ing a series of three month­ly treat­ments to stim­u­late nat­ur­al hair regrowth.

Reju­vapen Microneedling

The Reju­vapen treat­ment con­sists of a device resem­bling a pen” with a car­tridge of nine tiny nee­dles that glide across the skin and cre­ate hun­dreds of tiny punc­tures, acti­vat­ing the skin’s heal­ing path­ways and regen­er­at­ing col­la­gen. Dis­com­fort is mild; many describe the sen­sa­tion as sand­pa­per-like.” It is effec­tive in treat­ing fine lines and acne scars. Because it does not involve radiofre­quen­cy or laser heat­ing of the skin, it is gen­tler and has less downtime.

You may also upgrade your Reju­vapen treat­ment with Platelet-rich plas­ma. Plas­ma is tak­en from your own blood and used to stim­u­late addi­tion­al col­la­gen pro­duc­tion and min­i­mize heal­ing time, pro­vid­ing an amaz­ing tur­bo-charge” to your treatment.

Learn More About QMG Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy & Aesthetics