
Injecta­bles are pop­u­lar ways to nat­u­ral­ly enhance your beau­ty with min­i­mal to no down­time. Our Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy & Aes­thet­ics team pro­vides injectable treat­ments to help to soft­en fine lines and wrin­kles, cre­ate a smoother appear­ance, and help restore your skin to a healthy, youth­ful appearance.

Botox®, Dys­port®, & Xeomin®

Injectable treat­ments such as Botox®, Dys­port®, and Xeomin® work by relax­ing the mus­cles respon­si­ble for caus­ing unsight­ly wrin­kles. Treat­ments are quick, extreme­ly safe, and vir­tu­al­ly pain­less. The effects are notice­able with­in one week and can last up to 6 months. These treat­ments can be used for fore­head lines, frown lines between eye­brows, top of the nose wrin­kles (bun­ny lines), eye­brow lifting/​hooded eyes, crow’s feet, gum­my smiles, lip­stick lines around mouth, chin dim­ples, facial slim­ming, jaw­lines, neck bands, and TMJ and teeth grinding.


Kybel­la® is an effec­tive, non­in­va­sive treat­ment to help improve the appear­ance and pro­file of stub­born dou­ble chins. When inject­ed into the fat beneath the chin, Kybel­la® helps destroy the fat cells, mak­ing it an excel­lent alter­na­tive to plas­tic surgery or lipo­suc­tion. Most peo­ple see improve­ment after 2 to 4 treatments.


Sculp­tra® is a poly-L-lac­tic acid-based treat­ment used to treat shal­low to deep wrin­kles and folds in the low­er face and cheek area. It works deep beneath the skin by stim­u­lat­ing col­la­gen pro­duc­tion to help restore your skin’s inner struc­ture and restore the vol­ume to hol­low areas. The grad­ual replace­ment of lost col­la­gen helps you regain a plump, youth­ful appearance.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP is an effec­tive ther­a­py for hair thin­ning and hair loss. It involves tak­ing a small amount of the patient’s own blood and pro­cess­ing it so that only the nutri­ent and growth-fac­tor rich platelets and plas­ma remain. This liq­uid is then inject­ed direct­ly into areas of hair loss, usu­al­ly requir­ing a series of three month­ly treat­ments to stim­u­late nat­ur­al hair regrowth.

Learn More About QMG Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy & Aesthetics