Facials & Peels

Unveil­ing your best skin starts here. Our Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy & Aes­thet­ics team offers a curat­ed selec­tion of facials and peels, designed to address a vari­ety of skin con­cerns and reveal a radi­ant, healthy com­plex­ion. Whether you’re look­ing to min­i­mize fine lines and wrin­kles, com­bat acne, or sim­ply achieve a more even skin tone, our med­ical pro­fes­sion­als can rec­om­mend the per­fect treat­ment to suit your unique needs and goals.

AQUAGOLD® Pre­mi­um Facial

This lux­u­ry facial uses a device con­tain­ing small, 24k gold hol­low nee­dles to infuse your skin with minia­ture amounts of hyaluron­ic acid and Botox®. This leads to plump, radi­ant, hydrat­ed skin with small­er pores, improved fine lines, and decreased oil pro­duc­tion. The pain­less treat­ment is applied to the face, neck, and chest for lumi­nous skin last­ing approx­i­mate­ly 4 months.

VI Peels

VI peels are pain­less, medi­um-depth med­ical grade peels. We car­ry six dif­fer­ent types of peels that address dif­fer­ent issues, includ­ing sun dam­age, fine lines, aging skin, acne/​acne scar­ring, hyper­pig­men­ta­tion, the appear­ance of pores, and over­all tex­ture of the skin. VI peels are amaz­ing for all skin tones and eth­nic­i­ties. Results are vis­i­ble in as lit­tle as 7 days.


This pam­per­ing facial is a great main­te­nance treat­ment once a month to keep skin glow­ing or a great boost­er pri­or to spe­cial events! The Hydrafa­cial removes dead skin cells and con­ges­tion from the skin while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly bathing the fresh skin under­neath with mois­tur­iz­ing serums and antiox­i­dants. The treat­ment is sooth­ing, refresh­ing, and the results are vis­i­ble imme­di­ate­ly. Learn more about our Hydrafa­cial Club >


Using a small min­i­mal­ly-abra­sive device, this treat­ment gen­tly sands your skin to remove the uneven, out­er lay­er of your skin. Micro­der­mabra­sion can be used to treat light scar­ring, skin dis­col­oration, signs of aging, and sun dam­age. Your skin will be reju­ve­nat­ed and leave you with a more youth­ful look­ing complexion.

Learn More About QMG Cos­met­ic Der­ma­tol­ogy & Aesthetics