Our Leadership

Board of Directors

Korhan Raif, MD

John Barba­gio­van­ni, DO
Vice Chair­man

Daniel Kim­ple, MD

Jean Alexan­dre, MD
Board Mem­ber

Rishi Ghanekar, MD
Board Mem­ber

Jason Knuff­man, MD
Board Mem­ber

David Phillips, MD
Board Mem­ber

Exec­u­tive Team

Car­ol Brock­miller, CMPE
(217) 222‑6550, ext. 6455

Car­ol Brock­miller is the Pres­i­dent of Quin­cy Med­ical Group. A life­long Quin­cy res­i­dent, she joined QMG over 25 years ago and became CEO in Novem­ber 2014. In 2025, she was named Pres­i­dent, con­tin­u­ing her ded­i­ca­tion to advanc­ing health­care in the region.

Her pas­sion lies in trans­form­ing health­care for res­i­dents of Illi­nois, Iowa, and Mis­souri by cre­at­ing an unri­valed envi­ron­ment for physi­cians to deliv­er health­care, team mem­bers to build life-long careers, and patients to expe­ri­ence unpar­al­leled care. Car­ol has spear­head­ed sev­er­al key projects, such as the QMG Surgery Cen­ter, Birth Cen­ter, and QMG Hos­pi­tal, that deliv­er care to patients in new and con­ve­nient ways while enhanc­ing the physi­cian-patient rela­tion­ship and reduc­ing the cost of care. 

With deep roots in the com­mu­ni­ty, Car­ol knows that com­mu­ni­ty is at the very heart of QMG and is com­mit­ted to build­ing strong rela­tion­ships with patients, employ­ees, physi­cians, and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers. She wel­comes the oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear from those who call this region home to ensure QMG is meet­ing your health­care needs.

Richard Noble, MD
Chief Med­ical Offi­cer
(217) 222‑6550, ext. 6163 (Admin­is­tra­tive)
(217) 222‑6550, ext. 3432 (Patient Inquiries)

Since 1986, Dr. Noble has worked at Quin­cy Med­ical Group as a physi­cian in the Depart­ment of Fam­i­ly Med­i­cine. Over the years, he has served as the Depart­ment Chair­man of Fam­i­ly Med­i­cine and has been a mem­ber of the Quin­cy Med­ical Group Board of Direc­tors. He was named Chief Med­ical Offi­cer in 2020. 

Dr. Noble is board-cer­ti­fied by the Amer­i­can Board of Fam­i­ly Med­i­cine. He earned his med­ical degree from Chica­go Med­ical School in Chica­go, IL, in 1983. Fol­low­ing his med­ical edu­ca­tion, he com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in Fam­i­ly Prac­tice at the Quin­cy Fam­i­ly Prac­tice Cen­ter, a South­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­si­ty affil­i­ate, in Quin­cy in 1986.

Bran­don Selle
Senior Vice Pres­i­dent, Core Busi­ness Ser­vices Oper­a­tions, Ancil­lar­ies
(217) 222‑6550, ext. 3032

As the Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Core Busi­ness Ser­vices Oper­a­tions, Ancil­lar­ies, Bran­don is respon­si­ble for the gen­er­al over­sight and man­age­ment of a wide range of ancil­lary and sup­port ser­vices at Quin­cy Med­ical Group. These ser­vices include Imag­ing, Behav­ioral Health, Lab­o­ra­to­ry, Infu­sion, Phar­ma­cy, Audi­ol­o­gy, Sleep Cen­ter, Nutri­tion Ser­vices, Opti­cal, and Facil­i­ties & Grounds.

In this role, Bran­don leads efforts to opti­mize oper­a­tions, imple­ment inno­v­a­tive solu­tions, and main­tain high stan­dards of care across all services. 

Shau­na Harrison
Senior Vice Pres­i­dent, Nurs­ing Oper­a­tions
(217) 222‑6550, ext. 6679

As the Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Nurs­ing Oper­a­tions at Quin­cy Med­ical Group, Shau­na is respon­si­ble for over­see­ing clin­i­cal care deliv­ery across the orga­ni­za­tion. Her role involves guid­ing and man­ag­ing the care deliv­ery teams to uphold high stan­dards of qual­i­ty and clin­i­cal effec­tive­ness. Shau­na leads var­i­ous clin­i­cal teams, includ­ing pri­ma­ry care ser­vices, urgent care ser­vices, med­ical spe­cial­ty care, ambu­la­to­ry sur­gi­cal care, med­ical oncol­o­gy, radi­a­tion oncol­o­gy, and sup­port ser­vices, ensur­ing they deliv­er effec­tive and cohe­sive patient care.