Daniel Kimple, MD


120 Ratings
Practices In: Quincy, Rushville
Patients Seen: All Ages

As a neu­rol­o­gist, my approach to patient care is root­ed in a deep appre­ci­a­tion for the com­plex­i­ties of the human mind and body. Dri­ven by a nat­ur­al curios­i­ty and prob­lem-solv­ing skills honed through hands-on expe­ri­ences, I have a unique blend of tech­ni­cal exper­tise and gen­uine empathy.

My back­ground in phi­los­o­phy and biol­o­gy has instilled in me a pro­found respect for human life, enabling me to address not just the phys­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tions of neu­ro­log­i­cal con­di­tions, but also their impact on a per­son­’s per­son­al­i­ty and spir­it. As a neu­rol­o­gist, I am fas­ci­nat­ed by the intri­cate work­ings of the body’s cir­cuit­ry and the chal­lenge of map­ping it through a detailed clin­i­cal his­to­ry, pre­cise neu­ro­log­i­cal exam­i­na­tion, and sound knowl­edge of neuroanatomy.

At the heart of my prac­tice, I am com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing clear, atten­tive, and empa­thet­ic care. I rec­og­nize the impor­tance of effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion in neu­rol­o­gy, as we work along­side patients on their long-term jour­neys. Whether a patient presents with a rare con­di­tion or requires skilled and com­pas­sion­ate care, I am ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing my full intel­lect, atten­tion, and pas­sion to the task at hand.

It is this blend of intel­lec­tu­al curios­i­ty, tech­ni­cal prowess, and gen­uine con­cern for patient well-being that I aim to embody as your neu­rol­o­gist. I look for­ward to the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work close­ly with you, to lis­ten, to under­stand, and to pro­vide the com­pre­hen­sive, per­son­al­ized care that you deserve.

Board Certifications
Subspecialty Certification in Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Subspecialty Certification in Neurophysiology
Clinical Interests

Treat­ment of com­pli­cat­ed headache disorders 

Tar­get­ed injec­tion based treat­ments for pain

Local­iz­ing sources of nerve pain

Eval­u­at­ing caus­es for seizures

Ini­tial workup for MS and neu­ro­log­ic autoim­mune disorders

Personal Interests

Dr. Kim­ple is a devot­ed fam­i­ly man. He is mar­ried and has three chil­dren — Hazel, Har­ri­son, and Henry.

In his free time, Dr. Kim­ple enjoys a wide vari­ety of hob­bies and activ­i­ties. Out­doors, he likes to go fly-fish­ing, bird­watch­ing, run­ning, and gardening.

He also has cre­ative inter­ests, such as wood­work­ing, met­al­work­ing, play­ing gui­tar, and small engine repair.

Dr. Kim­ple appre­ci­ates clas­si­cal music (orches­tra), the­ater, and engag­ing in philo­soph­i­cal debates.

Addi­tion­al­ly, he stays active through sports like bas­ket­ball and gen­er­al fit­ness routines.

University of Kansas School of Medicine Degree: MD
Kansas State University Degree: BS, Biology
West Virginia University School of Medicine Neurology
University of Kansas School of Medicine Clinical Neurophysiology
Provider’s Publications
Performance test evaluation of intra-rater and inter-rater reliability among examiners of histopathological findings in myositis subtypes, D. Kimple volume 18, Number 3 Suppl, March 2017 Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease.
Mar 2017
Intervention effect on muscle biopsy accuracy in myositis, A. Hamasaki, M. Dimachkie, O. Jawdat, M. Pasoor, M Glenn, R. Barohn, J. Statland, D. Kimple, L. Herbelin, University of Kansas school medicine, volume 18, Number 3 Suppl, March 2017 Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease.
Mar 2017


Botox for Migraines, Cervical Dystonia, EEG, Electroencephalogram, Focal Dystonia, Injections for spasticity NCS/EMG nerve conduction study and electromyogram, Lumbar punctures Injections for salivation disorders, Occipital nerve blocks, Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks, Supraorbital nerve blocks, Trigger point injections


Alzheimer's, Amnesia, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Autonomic disorders, Balance Disorders, Brain Aneurysms, Brain Tumors, Carpal Tunnel, Concussion, Dizziness/Vertigo, Dystonia, Epilepsy and Seizures, Headaches, Loss of Consciousness, Migraines, Movement Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscle Weakness, Muscular Dystrophy, Myopathy, Occipital Neuralgia, POTS, Paresthesias, Parkinson's Disease, Peripheral Neuropathy, Spasticity, Stroke, Weakness


Ratings Category

The Patient Satisfaction Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our independent rating system, the Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.

Patient Satisfaction Rating

120 Ratings

Likelihood of recommending this provider

119 Ratings

Provider included you in decisions

120 Ratings

Provider showed concern

119 Ratings

Provider explained things clearly

120 Ratings

Provider discussed treatment options

119 Ratings


Comments are collected in our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Patients are de-identified to protect confidentiality and patient privacy. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.
"Recommendations the doctor made and I am implementing. I've made a difference and just 24 hours. I have a great deal of trust and doctor."
Jul. 30, 2024
Jul. 24, 2024
"He listen to us."
Jul. 12, 2024
"Dr Kimple is great at listening the problem I was experiencing, he was also great at explaining what I could do to help my situation."
Jun. 26, 2024
"Dr. Kimple was pleasant and explained everything to me when I had questions regarding treatment and addressed any concerns I had about my medical condition."
Jun. 25, 2024
"Everything was fine and great"
Jun. 25, 2024
"My husband and I felt very at ease with Dr. Kimple. Very easy to talk to."
Jun. 6, 2024
"Dr. Kimple is exceptional!"
Apr. 30, 2024
"Dr. Kimple was wonderful! Took the time to explain everything thoroughly, and was very kind & caring."
Apr. 18, 2024
"Dr. Kimple is kind, a good listener. He takes time to make sure I understand."
Apr. 17, 2024
"He was able to help me I had been in pain for a long time I am now off of tramadol & large doses of Tylenol I am very pleased with him."
Apr. 2, 2024
"I really like having Dr. Kimple as my doctor. Very friendly and personable! Very knowledgeable"
Mar. 21, 2024
"Very caring & explained everything to me!"
Mar. 15, 2024
"Dr. Kimple is very knowledgeable & honest about my condition. He is determined to help me."
Feb. 25, 2024
"Dr. Kimple seemed very experienced & well mannered."
Feb. 18, 2024
"Dr. Kimple is an extremely caring dr. He listens to me and allows me _____ to talk to him."
Jan. 23, 2024
"- Excellent - I have made much progress since I have started treatment under Dr. Kimple. HE is passionate about helping people feel better."
Nov. 14, 2023
"Very good visit!! No problems!!"
Nov. 1, 2023
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