Moments That Matter

Cre­at­ing Moments That Mat­ter For Those Who Need Them Most

Our every­day moments seem sim­ple to us. It’s those moments that are so easy to take for grant­ed, but hold the most mean­ing. We invite you to join us as we cre­ate mem­o­ries and hon­or the lives of our nom­i­nat­ed individuals.

Our Sto­ry

Moments That Mat­ter was launched in 2018 in the Quin­cy area as part of the Uni­ty­Point Hos­pice Pro­gram, focus­ing on hon­or­ing patients by ful­fill­ing their buck­et list wishes.”

As we met with patients and their fam­i­lies, we found they were so over­whelmed with wor­ry and chal­lenges, that the desire for oth­er expe­ri­ences was not always a top pri­or­i­ty. Moments That Mat­ter changed that by talk­ing to patients and fam­i­lies about expe­ri­ences they would like to share before ill­ness pro­gressed to a point when that may no longer be possible.

In 2019, Moments That Mat­ter expand­ed by join­ing with the Quin­cy Med­ical Group Foun­da­tion, giv­ing us an oppor­tu­ni­ty to hon­or more peo­ple in our com­mu­ni­ty with moments. In 2021, we took this oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect on the past and look to the future of our fund, as many things were put on pause due to the pan­dem­ic. Now more than ever, we feel the impor­tance of every­day moments.

As Moments That Mat­ter has evolved, we con­tin­ue to hon­or indi­vid­u­als fac­ing a ter­mi­nal ill­ness. The fund has expand­ed to include patients in mem­o­ry care due to Alzheimer’s dis­ease or demen­tia, patients fac­ing dif­fi­cult diag­noses, and lega­cy moments for those who are nom­i­nat­ed through Moments That Mat­ter but who pass away before see­ing their moment realized.

Along the way, as moments are grant­ed, we hope to involve more of our local com­mu­ni­ties so those we hon­or can feel the love of those around them.

Nom­i­nate Some­one for a Moment >

Moments That Mat­ter Guidelines >