Nominate Someone for a Moment

Gen­eros­i­ty is enter­ing into some­one else’s sto­ry. It’s con­nect­ing our life sto­ry with theirs. Gen­er­ous­ly giv­ing to some­one in need or ded­i­cat­ing time to lis­ten to their con­cerns allows us to step into their world, fos­ter­ing a con­nec­tion between us. With each wish ful­filled, we are hon­ored to be a part of the sto­ry of our patient’s life and every­one that gives so much to make them hap­pen. Donate Now >

While dona­tions fund each spe­cial moment cre­at­ed, often­times we need things oth­er than mon­ey. Maybe you can give of your time, or you can lend us some­thing to help make a wish come true. All moments are coor­di­nat­ed with Pedi­atrics, Behav­ioral Health, Nurs­ing, and Oncol­o­gy depart­ments. Some­one can also be nom­i­nat­ed by a par­ent or loved one with a health infor­ma­tion release. 
Con­tact the QMG Foun­da­tion to get involved >