Moments That Matter Guidelines

Who Qual­i­fies for a Moment?

  • Any patient in the Quin­cy Med­ical Group’s geo­graph­ic ser­vice area (75-mile radius around Quin­cy, IL).
  • Patients diag­nosed with a ter­mi­nal illness.
  • Patients receiv­ing mem­o­ry care with a diag­no­sis such as demen­tia or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Patients with a health diag­no­sis that impacts their day-to-day life.
  • Patients who are under super­vi­sion of a health care provider or an exam­i­na­tion may be required.
  • Patients who have not received a wish ful­fill­ment from any oth­er organization.

Click here to read the full guidelines.

What Qual­i­fies as a Moment?

We only ask that the request be tru­ly what the nom­i­nee desires. Our team spends time with the nom­i­nee and their fam­i­ly to learn about them and their hope for their expe­ri­ence. We under­stand that those we hon­or are fac­ing ter­mi­nal ill­ness­es and time is pre­cious. With that under­stand­ing, we can work with the nom­i­nee and fam­i­ly to coor­di­nate moments with­in a short time­frame and while the patient is under­go­ing care with their health team. The Moments That Mat­ter team, thanks to the sup­port of our gen­er­ous donors, has every­thing cov­ered — ful­ly coor­di­nat­ing and fund­ing an entire experience.

Nom­i­nate Some­one for a Moment >

Donate to the QMG Foundation >