Ways to Give

Give Where It Mat­ters to You

We are one Foun­da­tion made up of mul­ti­ple fund lines that impact the com­mu­ni­ties and orga­ni­za­tions we serve. Join us, because your dona­tion will make real change hap­pen! Click the links below to see how you can help.

Planned Giv­ing

The Quin­cy Med­ical Group Foun­da­tion, a tax-exempt char­i­ty, wel­comes dona­tions to sup­port our mis­sion. You can con­tribute through var­i­ous meth­ods like cash, pay­roll deduc­tions, stocks, or even planned gifts like bequests.

Employ­ee Giving

The Employ­ee Giv­ing Pro­gram makes sup­port­ing our com­mu­ni­ty easy and impact­ful. With sim­ple auto­mat­ic pay­roll deduc­tions, your small con­tri­bu­tions com­bine for big change, empow­er­ing both staff and the com­mu­ni­ty they serve.

Leave a Legacy

Hon­or a loved one’s life with dona­tions to our gen­er­al fund or one of our fund lines.

Cre­ate a Fundraiser

Inspired by com­mu­ni­ty spir­it, this plat­form empow­ers you to cham­pi­on your pas­sions through per­son­al­ized fundrais­ing campaigns.

QMG Foun­da­tion Shop

Shop items thought­ful­ly cho­sen for the QMG Foun­da­tion. All pro­ceeds ben­e­fit local patients.

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