Sleep Center

Are you strug­gling to get a good night’s sleep? At Quin­cy Med­ical Group’s Sleep Cen­ter, we offer a vari­ety of sleep stud­ies to diag­nose and treat sleep dis­or­ders. Our expe­ri­enced team is ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing you achieve the rest­ful sleep you deserve. 

We offer sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of stud­ies, including: 

Overnight Vis­it

You may park in the lot locat­ed at 1118 Hamp­shire St. Build­ing, using the Sleep Cen­ter entrance door and ring the buzzer. A tech­nol­o­gist will unlock the door for you, and you’ll take the ele­va­tor or steps up to the 3rd floor. 

Day stud­ies are avail­able for shift work­ers. When sched­ul­ing a sleep study, please noti­fy the recep­tion­ist of any spe­cial needs such as a day study. 

Mul­ti­ple Sleep Laten­cy Tests

These tests are con­duct­ed in the day­time fol­low­ing an overnight stay in the Sleep Cen­ter. Mul­ti­ple sleep laten­cy tests are pri­mar­i­ly used to diag­nose such sleep dis­or­ders as nar­colep­sy and idio­path­ic hyper­som­nia. These tests con­sist of nap stud­ies that are timed to observe the abil­i­ty to fall asleep and what type of sleep is record­ed if the sub­ject does fall asleep. Elec­trodes and sen­sors will be in place to col­lect the data but at a reduced num­ber com­pared to an overnight study. 

Main­te­nance of Wake­ful­ness Test­ing

This is also a day­time pro­ce­dure and can be done after an overnight study in the Sleep Cen­ter or does not have to include an overnight study. Sen­sors and elec­trodes are con­nect­ed to col­lect data to see if the patient can stay awake for a cer­tain amount of time. 

Home Sleep Test­ing

Home Sleep Test­ing is con­duct­ed through Quin­cy Med­ical Group’s Sleep Cen­ter Mon­day through Thurs­day. This is a sleep screen­ing unit that the patient takes home and wears overnight and returns to the lab the next day. It has a belt, an oxy­gen sen­sor for the fin­ger and an air­flow sen­sor. Home units are used based on patient mobil­i­ty, insur­ance pro­to­cols and pri­ma­ry care provider needs for the patient. Instruc­tions are giv­en to the patient for use. Upon return of the equip­ment, the data is eval­u­at­ed and a report is gen­er­at­ed to the order­ing provider once it is reviewed by the board-cer­ti­fied physician. 



Related Specialties




Nighttime Seizures

Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

REM Behavior Disorder

Restless Leg Syndrome

Sleep Disorders


At Home Sleep Testing

CPAP/BiPAP Management

Diagnostic Sleep Testing/Polysomnography


Inspire® Sleep Apnea Treatment

Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)

Mask Desensitization/Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Nap Testing

Multiple Sleep Latency Test

Overnight Sleep Study