Positron Emis­sion Tomog­ra­phy (PET) is an imag­ing tech­nique that uses small amounts of radioac­tive mate­r­i­al, called radio­trac­ers, to exam­ine organ and tis­sue func­tion. A spe­cial­ized cam­era and com­put­er process this data to pro­vide detailed images. By detect­ing cel­lu­lar-lev­el changes, PET can often iden­ti­fy dis­eases in their ear­ly stages, before they appear on oth­er imag­ing tests. 

Safe­ty of PET/CT Exams

Be assured that PET/CT exams are a safe and effec­tive diag­nos­tic pro­ce­dure. The radio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals used in PET do not remain in your sys­tem long, so there’s no rea­son to avoid inter­act­ing with oth­er peo­ple once you’ve left. To be extra safe, wait for a few hours before get­ting too close to an infant or any­one who is pregnant. 

Your Appoint­ment

PET/CT Scans are per­formed at the Quin­cy Med­ical Group Can­cer Insti­tute, locat­ed at 3301 Broad­way, Quin­cy IL.