Oncology Infusion Center

This page pro­vides infor­ma­tion about what to expect dur­ing your infu­sion treat­ment at the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute’s Infu­sion Center.

What is Infusion?

Infu­sion is a pro­ce­dure where med­ica­tion is deliv­ered direct­ly into your blood­stream through a thin tube (IV) insert­ed into your hand, arm, port-a-cath, or PICC line. Chemother­a­py treat­ments can vary in length, last­ing any­where from 30 min­utes to 9 hours. Your nurse will pro­vide an esti­mat­ed time for each treatment.

QMG Can­cer Insti­tute’s Infu­sion Cen­ter Guidelines

Your com­fort and safe­ty are our top pri­or­i­ty. These guide­lines ensure a smooth and pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence for all patients and vis­i­tors. If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to ask our friend­ly staff.

For Your Safe­ty and Comfort:

  • Vis­i­tors: One vis­i­tor (friend, fam­i­ly mem­ber, or sup­port per­son) age 16 or old­er may accom­pa­ny you in the treat­ment area. Excep­tions may be made on a case-by-case basis or dur­ing staff train­ing sessions.
  • Preg­nan­cy: For safe­ty con­cerns, preg­nant women are not allowed in the infu­sion cen­ter or treat­ment area unless they are receiv­ing treat­ment themselves.
  • Pri­vate Rooms: Pri­vate rooms are avail­able for patients with spe­cif­ic needs. Speak with your nurse to deter­mine if a pri­vate room is nec­es­sary for your treatment.
  • Reclin­ers: Reclin­ers are reserved for patients under­go­ing treatment.

Pass­ing the Time:

  • Com­fort Items: Feel free to bring your favorite blan­ket or pil­low from home to enhance your com­fort dur­ing treatment.
  • Enter­tain­ment: We offer books, games, CDs, and DVDs for your use. You are also wel­come to bring your own elec­tron­ic device or diver­sion­ary activ­i­ties. Wi-Fi is avail­able for your convenience.
  • Snacks & Drinks: We pro­vide snacks and bev­er­ages for patients. You may also bring your own pre­pared snacks and drinks.

Addi­tion­al Ques­tions? Please don’t hes­i­tate to call us at (217) 277‑4070 if you have any questions.