Milk Depot at QMG

Quin­cy Med­ical Group is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing the health and care of women and infants. In part­ner­ship with Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes, the QMG Women’s Health Cen­ter offers a milk depot, a place for pre-approved donors to drop off their extra breast­milk to help for babies who need it.

What is Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes?

Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes saves tiny lives by col­lect­ing, pas­teur­iz­ing, and dis­pens­ing donor human milk to pre­ma­ture babies and pedi­atric patients. The orga­ni­za­tion is a 501c3 non-prof­it mem­ber of the Human Milk Bank­ing Asso­ci­a­tion of North Amer­i­ca (HMBANA). A part of the HMBANA net­work of non­prof­it donor human milk banks, Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes proud­ly serve fam­i­lies and Neona­tal Inten­sive Care Units in Illi­nois and Wisconsin. 

Is donor milk safe?

The milk depot at the QMG Women’s Health Cen­ter col­lects human milk dona­tions from healthy, lac­tat­ing women who are approved donors through Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes. The dona­tions are then sent to the milk bank, where they are pas­teur­ized to elim­i­nate any virus­es and bac­te­ria. After pas­teur­iza­tion, the milk is test­ed once again for safe­ty before distribution. 

How do I donate milk?

Inter­est­ed donors can get start­ed by going to https://​www​.milk​bankwgl​.org/. The Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes pro­vides detailed infor­ma­tion on how to get start­ed. Sim­ply click the Donate Milk but­ton to get started. 

Where does the donat­ed milk go?

Most of the pas­teur­ized donor human milk dis­pensed by Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes is deliv­ered to Illi­nois and Wis­con­sin hos­pi­tals for use pri­mar­i­ly in the NICU or Moth­er Baby Unit. Donor milk is dis­trib­uted to the most at-risk babies and can be life­sav­ing for preterm infants in pro­tect­ing babies against life-threat­en­ing diseases. 

Learn More About Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes >