Bone Density Testing

A bone min­er­al den­si­ty (BMD) test is a high­ly accu­rate method for assess­ing bone health and diag­nos­ing osteo­poro­sis ear­ly. By mea­sur­ing bone den­si­ty, it can: 

  • Detect osteo­poro­sis in its ear­ly stages, allow­ing for time­ly treatment. 
  • Mon­i­tor bone loss over time. 
  • Track your response to osteo­poro­sis treatment. 

Unlike tra­di­tion­al X‑rays, which can only detect exist­ing spine frac­tures, a BMD test uses spe­cial­ized tech­niques. The most com­mon method is a DXA (dual-ener­gy X‑ray absorp­tiom­e­try) scan. This low-radi­a­tion scan mea­sures bone tis­sue den­si­ty to deter­mine the impact of osteo­poro­sis and assess the risk of future fractures. 


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Axial Bone Density

Peripheral Bone Density

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