
Pho­tother­a­py involves using light to safe­ly and effec­tive­ly treat var­i­ous skin con­di­tions. At our clin­ic, we address a wide range of skin issues with this method, ensur­ing that all treat­ments are con­duct­ed under the care­ful super­vi­sion of our expe­ri­enced der­ma­tol­o­gists.

Nar­row­band UVB is a high­ly spe­cif­ic wave­length of light that treats skin con­di­tions includ­ing pso­ri­a­sis, eczema, chron­ic itch­ing, and oth­ers. Our providers rec­om­mend two to three treat­ments per week. Treat­ment is quick and painless.

Pho­to­dy­nam­ic Ther­a­py (PDT or blue light ther­a­py”) uti­lizes the appli­ca­tion of a chem­i­cal called Lev­u­lan to sun dam­aged skin and pre­can­cers in the office. The chem­i­cal incu­bates on the skin for a short amount of time. Pre­can­cer­ous cells absorb the Lev­u­lan. A blue light shines on the skin for a short time, which acti­vates the chem­i­cal. The com­bi­na­tion of the light and chem­i­cal destroys the sun dam­aged, pre­can­cer­ous cells. You should avoid sun expo­sure for 48 hours after treat­ment. Treat­ment may cause mild to mod­er­ate red­ness and crust­ing that should clear up in a few days. Mul­ti­ple treat­ments may be need­ed for best results.


Unlike con­ven­tion­al light ther­a­pies, the XTRAC excimer laser deliv­ers a high­ly tar­get­ed ther­a­peu­tic beam of UVB light to areas of the skin affect­ed by pso­ri­a­sis with­out harm­ing the sur­round­ing skin so you can live clear and free.

  • Effec­tive treat­ment — symp­toms reduced gen­er­al­ly in 10 – 12 treat­ment sessions
  • Long-last­ing relief — typ­i­cal­ly sev­er­al months free of symptoms
  • Pain­less and quick treatments
  • Relief with­out messy creams and dai­ly skin care regimen
  • Cov­ered by most major insur­ance com­pa­nies, avail­able by Rx

Results may vary, talk to your doc­tor about the right treat­ment pro­to­col for you.

Learn More About QMG Der­ma­tol­ogy Services