Neuropsychological Assessments

Why neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal assessment?

Neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal assess­ment is indi­cat­ed when a cog­ni­tive change or impair­ment is sus­pect­ed due to:

  • Trau­mat­ic brain injury/​concussion
  • Stroke/​cerebrovascular disease
  • Anox­ic brain injury/​meta­bol­ic injury
  • Learn­ing Dis­or­ders (e.g., ADHD, Devel­op­ment Delay)
  • Sub­stance abuse
  • Parkin­son disease/​movement disorder
  • Mem­o­ry disorders/​dementia (e.g., Alzheimer disease)
  • Mild cog­ni­tive impairment
  • Epilepsy/​seizure disorders
  • Brain tumors
  • Neurodevelopmental/​neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive disorders
  • Genet­ic disorders
  • Sys­tem­at­ic dis­eases affect­ing the brain or cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem (e.g., pain, organ failure)

What is a neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal assessment?

The goal of test­ing is to mea­sure how the indi­vid­ual per­forms rel­a­tive to oth­er indi­vid­u­als of their age and edu­ca­tion. The assess­ment will take place in 1 – 2 clin­ic vis­its and con­sists of a com­pre­hen­sive clin­i­cal inter­view with the indi­vid­ual and fam­i­ly mem­bers, as well as for­mal objec­tive test­ing. A feed­back ses­sion will be offered 1 – 2 weeks fol­low­ing the eval­u­a­tion to pro­vide in depth review of the find­ings and rec­om­men­da­tions. Final reports are pro­vid­ed and out­line the individual’s back­ground, test find­ings, diag­no­sis, and spe­cif­ic rec­om­men­da­tions. Over­all con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion is pro­vid­ed and based on the individual’s unique profile.

How do I sched­ule an appoint­ment for an Adult Assessment?

Talk to your doc­tor to deter­mine if you would ben­e­fit from a com­pre­hen­sive neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal assess­ment. Call (217) 222‑6550, ext. 3980 to request a pack­et and sched­ule an appointment.