Tanya Royster, MD, DFAPA

Behavioral Health, Psychiatry

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: Ages 3+

It’s an hon­or to be invit­ed into a patien­t’s life. I respect each per­son­’s indi­vid­u­al­i­ty, no mat­ter the age, and ask them to col­lab­o­rate with me on their heal­ing jour­ney. Togeth­er we can fig­ure out a plan to get you better.

This provider is an inde­pen­dent con­trac­tor pro­vid­ing vir­tu­al patient care.

Board Certifications
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology - General Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Awards & Accolades
Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Clinical Interests

Sup­port­ing chil­dren, adults and fam­i­lies reach their great­est potential

Personal Interests

I love cook­ing, bak­ing, walk­ing, zum­ba, music, mak­ing patch­work quilts and hang­ing out with my fam­i­ly and friends.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. American Medical Association
Purdue University Graduation Date: 1989 Degree: BS, Psychology
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Graduation Date: 1993 Degree: MD
NYU Bellevue Hospital Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Adult Psychiatry
NYU Bellevue Hospital Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Annie E. Casey Children and Family Fellow


Psychiatric Disorders