Stephanie Reyburn, MD

Family Practice, Primary Care

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

I enjoy the full spec­trum of fam­i­ly prac­tice. I love tak­ing care of gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­lies and help­ing them through all of the dif­fer­ent stages of life.

Board Certifications
American Board of Family Medicine
Clinical Interests

My favorite part of my job is being able to be a part of the growth and devel­op­ment of young fam­i­lies. I also val­ue the rela­tion­ships that form with old­er patients and being a part­ner in their health.

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly, trav­el­ing, and watch­ing sports with my children

Blessing Hospital
1005 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 223-1200 Get Directions
Augustana College Graduation Date: 2001 Degree: BS
University of Illinois - Rockford College of Medicine Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: MD
Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education Family Medicine
Provider’s Publications
Lutfiyya, M.N., Henley, E., Chang, L.F., & Reyburn, S. (2006) Diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia. American Family Physician, 73(3), 442-450.


IUD Insertion/Removal, PAP/Pelvic Exams, Skin Procedures


Acute Illnesses, Chronic Conditions, Physical Exams