Sarah Hibbs, PT

Physical Therapy, Therapy Services

Practices In: Canton, Lewistown
Patients Seen: Ages 10+

I pre­fer a one-on-one treat­ment envi­ron­ment in which I can focus my atten­tion on my patient pro­vid­ing feed­back on exer­cis­es, assess­ing move­ment and per­form­ing man­u­al treat­ment. I real­ly enjoy see­ing the improve­ments patients make under my care as usu­al­ly they come to PT with pain and/​or lim­i­ta­tions and often, with my guid­ance and care, regain func­tion and have reduc­tion or elim­i­na­tion of their pain. I enjoy get­ting to know my patients in our one-on-one sessions.

Professional Certifications
Licensed Physical Therapist, Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for Parkinson's Disease - BIG Certified
Clinical Interests

I real­ly enjoy work­ing with old­er patients, but see patients of a vari­ety of ages. I enjoy treat­ing patients with neck pain and headaches as often they see results from PT in a very short time.

Personal Interests

I enjoy my time with fam­i­ly and friends, vol­un­teer­ing at a vari­ety of events and min­istries at my church and at Ladies of Char­i­ty. I enjoy trav­el and read­ing as well.

American Physical Therapy Association Illinois' Physical Therapy Association
Bradley University Graduation Date: 2000 Degree: BS, Physical Therapy


BIG Exercise Instruction, Epley Maneuvers for BPPV


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Musculoskeletal Injuries, Parkinson's Disease, Post-Operative Recovery