Ryan Teheng, CRNA


Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

My phi­los­o­phy is that every patient deserves our very best each and every day. Whether dur­ing my ICU train­ing or here at the ASC — we often see patients at a vul­ner­a­ble state. It is our job as providers to uti­lize all our acquired skills and knowl­edge to not only treat the diag­no­sis, but also the patient as a whole. I am the face that a par­ents hands their child off to. I am the last face a patient sees as they go off to sleep. I cher­ish the priv­i­lege to shoul­der the respon­si­bil­i­ty of your safety.

Board Certifications
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
English, Tagalog
Awards & Accolades
Quincy Medical Group Unparalleled Care Award 2023
Clinical Interests

ERAS (enhanced recov­er after surgery) pro­to­cols, Opi­oid free/​Opioid spar­ing tech­niques, Region­al Anes­the­sia and pain man­age­ment, Pedi­atric anesthesia

Personal Interests

Before mak­ing my jour­ney into anes­the­sia, I trained at the Culi­nary Insti­tute of Amer­i­ca and worked in kitchens in New York City and in my home­town of Savan­nah, GA. So I still enjoy cook­ing for oth­ers. Addi­tion­al­ly, I enjoy play­ing golf, and am a die-hard Geor­gia Bull­dogs fan. 

More than any­thing, I enjoy spend­ing time with my 2 daugh­ters, Emory and Ellison.

American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology North Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Augusta University (formerly Medical College of Georgia) Graduation Date: 2013 Degree: BSN, Nursing
Wake Forest University School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: MS, Nursing Anesthesia


Advanced Airways, General Anesthesia, MAC Anesthesia, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Post-Operative Clearance, Pre-Operative Assessments, Ultrasound-Guided IVs