Nicole Shields, MSEd, LCPC, NCC

Behavioral Health, Counseling Services

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: Ages 2+

I believe that we are hard­wired to face and work through chal­lenges in our lives but hav­ing access to qual­i­ty help is crit­i­cal to suc­cess­ful­ly man­ag­ing our men­tal health, stress lev­el, and the strug­gles of dai­ly life.

Board Certifications
National Board for Certified Counselors
Professional Certifications
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (IL)
Awards & Accolades
Director, Behavioral Health 2020
Clinical Interests

Anx­i­ety Dis­or­ders, Fam­i­ly Rela­tion­ships, Self-Reg­u­la­tion skill devel­op­ment in ear­ly childhood.

Personal Interests

Out­side of work, I enjoy read­ing, hik­ing, spend­ing time in nature, time with fam­i­ly, and traveling.

Illinois State University Graduation Date: 2002 Degree: BS, Psychology
Western Illinois University Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: MSEd, Clinical/Community Mental Health


Adjustment Difficulties, Anxiety Disorders, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Mood Disorders