Kristin Thompson, PT, DPT, PHC

Physical Therapy, Therapy Services

Practices In: Canton, Lewistown, Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

Hel­lo, I’m Kristin Thomp­son, a ded­i­cat­ed phys­i­cal ther­a­pist spe­cial­iz­ing in pelvic health. With a pri­ma­ry focus on ortho­pe­dic con­di­tions, my approach com­bines hands-on ther­a­peu­tic meth­ods with patient-cen­tered exer­cis­es, tai­lored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re recov­er­ing from injury, man­ag­ing chron­ic pain, or seek­ing to enhance your over­all well­ness, I am here to sup­port you every step of the way.

My pas­sion extends to treat­ing vestibu­lar dys­func­tions and spe­cial­iz­ing in con­cus­sion man­age­ment and reha­bil­i­ta­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, I am cer­ti­fied to per­form Func­tion­al Capac­i­ty Eval­u­a­tions and Impair­ment Rat­ings, ensur­ing thor­ough assess­ments tai­lored to your needs.

I look for­ward to part­ner­ing with you on your jour­ney to opti­mal health and well-being.

Board Certifications
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Professional Certifications
ErgoScience Certified Therapist, Subspecialty Certification in Functional Capacity Evaluations, Subspecialty Certification in Impairment Ratings, Certified Pelvic Health Therapist
Awards & Accolades
Quincy Medical Group Unparalleled Care 2020
Clinical Interests

Pelvic Health for all gen­ders and lev­els of dysfunction

Personal Interests

I love spend­ing time with my hus­band and 2 chil­dren. I am active­ly involved in my com­mu­ni­ty and church, vol­un­teer­ing my time on the Parish Coun­cil, Stew­ard­ship Coun­cil, Reli­gious Edu­ca­tion Core Team and Fidelis Wom­en’s Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vice Club. Liv­ing on a farm adds anoth­er dimen­sion to my life.

American Physical Therapy Association Illinois Physical Therapy Association Orthopedic and Pelvic Health
University of Missouri - Columbia Graduation Date: 2007 Degree: BS, Pre-Professional Physical Therapy, MS, Physical Therapy
Alabama State University Graduation Date: 2010 Degree: DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy


Aquatic Therapy, DME Distribution, Functional Capacity Evaluations, Gait Training, Impairment Ratings, Manual Therapy, Neuromuscular Reeducation, Therapeutic Activities, Therapeutic Exercise including Postural Restoration non-manual techniques


Bowel Incontinence, C-section recovery and care, Diastasis Recti, Dyspareunia, Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Pain, Post-prostatectomy, Stress Incontinence, Urge Incontinence, postural dysfunction with breastfeeding