Khalid Waheed, MD

Family Practice, Primary Care

Practices In: Mt. Sterling
Patients Seen: All Ages

My deci­sion to become a doc­tor was root­ed in my goal of under­stand­ing the basis of dis­ease and cur­ing the same. Med­i­cine to me is a pas­sion, a means to ful­fill my ambi­tion of serv­ing human­i­ty. My late father, and my moth­er, who I have seen strug­gle with Type 1 dia­betes since I was a child, have been my great­est inspi­ra­tion in becom­ing a doctor.

Pro­vid­ing the best pos­si­ble care to my patients in a car­ing, com­pas­sion­ate and respect­ful man­ner is what I strive for every day. I am extreme­ly friend­ly by nature and have a good sense of humor. I want my patients to treat me as a friend in their jour­ney to health and not feel intim­i­dat­ed. I want my patients to feel val­ued and know that they are not just a num­ber for me. I want my patients to trust me with their care and under­stand that I will always keep their best inter­ests in mind. I also want my patients to feel empow­ered and have a say when it comes to decision-making.

Board Certifications
American Board of Family Medicine
English, Urdu, Hindi
Awards & Accolades
Honorary Member, Kaplan Honor Roll Society, For Excellence in Medical Education 2003
Physician's Recognition Award, American Medical Association 2003
Clinical Interests

I offer a wide range of acute and chron­ic care ser­vices to fam­i­ly mem­bers of all ages, from new­borns to geri­atric patients. I strive to pro­vide tai­lored care and treat­ment plans to each indi­vid­ual patient, to bet­ter diag­nose and man­age poten­tial health con­cerns such as dia­betes, hyper­ten­sion, obe­si­ty, emo­tion­al well-being and oth­ers. I lay a strong empha­sis on pre­ven­tive medicine.

Personal Interests
I love to spend time with my fam­i­ly, play­ing with my kids, and watch­ing bas­ket­ball, soc­cer and crick­et. I love going on road trips. I also love to read books, espe­cial­ly detec­tive nov­els; Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sher­lock Holmes’ books are my favorite.
American Medical Association Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians
NTR University of Health Sciences Deccan College of Medical Sciences Graduation Date: 2000 Degree: MBBS
Wayne State University/North Oakland Medical Center-Doctors' Hospital of Michigan Family Medicine
Provider’s Research
Myelodysplastic syndrome Glaucoma