Julie Van Hove, MA, LCPC

Behavioral Health, Counseling Services

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: Ages 11+
As I ther­a­pist I meet my clients where they are at in their chal­lenges, pro­vid­ing sup­port and feed­back to help them move through adver­si­ty. Togeth­er we work on build­ing skills and resilien­cy, dis­cov­er­ing strength and hope. I believe in the innate self worth of every indi­vid­ual and work to pro­vide an envi­ron­ment of inclu­siv­i­ty and safe­ty for all my clients.
Professional Certifications
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (IL)
Clinical Interests
I pro­vide ser­vices to adults and ado­les­cents through the use of evi­denced-based inter­ven­tions, includ­ing Cog­ni­tive Behav­ioral Ther­a­py, Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ioral Ther­a­py, Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing, Brief Solu­tion Focused Ther­a­py, and EMDR (Eye Move­ment Desen­si­ti­za­tion Repro­cess­ing). I have spe­cial inter­ests in man­ag­ing anx­i­ety and depres­sion, as well as work­ing with indi­vid­u­als liv­ing with the impacts of trau­ma, long term men­tal ill­ness and chal­leng­ing life changes. I have expe­ri­ence engag­ing with indi­vid­u­als with co-occur­ring cog­ni­tive and devel­op­men­tal dis­abil­i­ties, as well as those in the Vet­er­an community. 
Personal Interests
Time with fam­i­ly and friends, read­ing, gar­den­ing, cook­ing, car­ing for pets, phys­i­cal exer­cise, lis­ten­ing to music
Truman State University Graduation Date: 2003 Degree: BA, Psychology
Concordia University Chicago Graduation Date: 2009 Degree: MA, Counseling


Individual Therapy, Telehealth Therapy


Adjustment Difficulties, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Spectrum Disorders, Borderline Personality, Depressive Disorders, Grief & Loss, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders