Julia Whittaker, PT

Pediatric Physical Therapy, Pediatric Therapy

Practices In: Pittsfield, Quincy
Patients Seen: Ages Newborn–12
I worked in a vari­ety or reha­bil­i­ta­tion set­tings before spe­cial­iz­ing in pedi­atric PT since 1998. I worked at St. John’s Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal in Spring­field, Illi­nois, from 1998 – 2003. In 2003, I moved back to my home­town on Quin­cy. I pro­vid­ed school and out­pa­tient pedi­atric PT through Han­ni­bal Region­al Hos­pi­tal until 2011. In addi­tion, I have been an Ear­ly Inter­ven­tion (Birth to 3 years) provider since 2000. I con­tin­ue to see chil­dren pri­vate­ly through the EI pro­gram. I joined Quin­cy Med­ical Group in 2016. I enjoy help­ing chil­dren reach their high­est poten­tial through dif­fer­ent devel­op­men­tal stages.
Professional Certifications
Licensed Physical Therapist
Clinical Interests

I use a vari­ety of treat­ment tech­niques includ­ing NDT, Total Motion Release, Kine­sio­tape, and adap­tive equipment.

Personal Interests

I love to spend time with my fam­i­ly and friends. I enjoy read­ing, cook­ing, bak­ing, and trav­el­ling to the moun­tains and being active in the outdoors.

Bradley University Graduation Date: 1996 Degree: BS, Physical Therapy


Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Down Syndrome, Hypertonicity, Low Muscle Tone, Prematurity, Torticollis