Elena Holman, LE

Cosmetic Dermatology & Aesthetics, Dermatology

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

For over a decade, I have been com­mit­ted to help­ing my clients with their skin con­cerns to help them achieve the results that they desire. My goal is to tar­get your con­cerns to help restore con­fi­dence. It has always been my pas­sion to con­nect with indi­vid­u­als and to devel­op a treat­ment plan that works best for you!

Professional Certifications
Licensed Esthetician, Certified Face Reality Acne Specialist
Awards & Accolades
Hannibal Courier-Post, Readers' Choice Award - Best Esthetician 2015
Clinical Interests

I spe­cial­ize in laser and advanced aes­thet­ic treat­ments that tar­get spe­cif­ic con­cerns such as acne scar­ring, redness/​rosacea, sun dam­age, aging, and unwant­ed hair growth. There are many ser­vices avail­able and I am here to direct you to the options that will lead to the most suc­cess with your con­cerns. My goal is to help cre­ate a plan includ­ing laser treat­ments, skin­care ser­vices, and prod­uct rec­om­men­da­tions that meet your spe­cif­ic needs.

Personal Interests

My time out­side of work is spent enjoy­ing time with my hus­band, son, and Saint Bernard, Clyde. I love to go antiquing and to travel!

Skin Institute in St. Louis Graduation Date: 2013 Degree: Esthetics


Acne, Acne Scarring, Aging, Melasma, Redness, Rosacea, Sun Damage