Christina Kelly, APRN, FNP-C

Occupational Health & Care, QMG Now Urgent Care

Practices In: Keokuk
Patients Seen: All Ages

I treat every patient as if the patient was my moth­er, father, or child. My belief is that every patient should have the oppor­tu­ni­ty dur­ing their vis­it to express their con­cerns and help me to cre­ate an effec­tive treat­ment plan with their per­son­al beliefs and pref­er­ences tak­en into consideration.

Board Certifications
Family Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Professional Certifications
Certified Medical Examiner, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Clinical Interests

I enjoy treat­ing all types of ill­ness­es, but man­ag­ing asth­ma and COPD exac­er­ba­tions are my favorite ill­ness­es to treat because I’m able to acute­ly admin­is­ter treat­ments in the clin­ic to sta­bi­lize the patient and observe the patient improv­ing pri­or to leav­ing the urgent care vis­it. I also enjoy diag­nos­ing and treat­ing var­i­ous skin con­di­tions as many der­ma­to­log­ic con­di­tions can be quite chal­leng­ing to diag­nose with­out biopsy.

Personal Interests

Work­ing out, weight train­ing, jog­ging 3 – 4 miles 5 days per week, lis­ten­ing to inter­nal med­i­cine pod­casts, hang­ing out with my fam­i­ly and rid­ing dirt bikes.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners Iowa Nurse Practitioner Society

Southeastern Community College Degree: BS
Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing Degree: BSN, Nursing
Chamberlain University College of Nursing Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: MSN-FNP, Family Nurse Practitioner


Foreign Body Removal, Staple Removal, Suture Body Removal, Suturing


Acute Low Back Pain, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Ear Infections (Otitis Externa, Otitis Media), Foot & Ankle Injuries, Influenza, Migraine Headaches, Pneumonia, Poison Ivy Dermatitis, Respiratory Infections, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Shingles, Sinusitis (Sinus Infections), Strep, Urinary Tract Infections