Ashley Hackmann, MSEd, PTA, LAT, ATC

Athletic Training, Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Sports Concussion Screening Clinic, Sports Injury Clinic, Therapy Services

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: Ages 2+

My phi­los­o­phy of care focus­es on a stead­fast com­mit­ment to patient-cen­tric and indi­vid­u­al­ized care. I rec­og­nize that each patient and ath­lete I come in con­tact with is unique, with dis­tinct needs, goals, and expe­ri­ences. I take pride in build­ing mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships with my patients and ath­letes, tak­ing the time to tru­ly get to know each one. By lis­ten­ing to your con­cerns, under­stand­ing your lifestyle, and respect­ing your pref­er­ences, I can tai­lor my approach to meet your spe­cif­ic needs. This per­son­al­ized atten­tion ensures that you receive care that is not only effec­tive but also aligns with your per­son­al health and well­ness goals.


location icon

Quincy Medical Group

1118 Hampshire Street

First Floor

Quincy, Illinois 62301

(217) 228-2323

(Athletic Training)

(217) 222-6550

Ext. 3091
(Orthopedics & Sports Medicine)

(217) 228-2323

(Therapy Services)

(217) 228-2323

(Physical Therapy)

(217) 228-2323

(Sports Injury Clinic)

(217) 222-2663

(Sports Concussion Screening Clinic)
Board Certifications
Board Certified Athletic Trainer
Professional Certifications
Certified Athletic Trainer, Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant, Licensed Athletic Trainer
Awards & Accolades
Quincy Medical Group Experience the Difference Award for Excellence in Patient Care 2011
Quincy Medical Group Experience the Difference Award for Excellence in Patient Care 2018
Clinical Interests

Injury pre­ven­tion, Acute injury evaluation/​management, Ther­a­peu­tic inter­ven­tion, Reha­bil­i­ta­tion of injuries, Sports relat­ed con­cus­sion assessment/​management, DME/​orthopedic brace fitting

Personal Interests

My fam­i­ly enjoys build­ing Lego, vis­it­ing Nation­al Parks and play­ing golf.

National Athletic Trainers' Association American Physical Therapy Association
Culver-Stockton College Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: BS, Athletic Training with Minor in Health
University of Kansas Graduation Date: 2007 Degree: MSEd, Education with emphasis in Sport Studies
Black Hawk College Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: AAS, Physical Therapy Assistant


Emergency Care in Athletics, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Sports-Related Concussions