Amanda Wagner, MS, CCC-SLP

Pediatric Speech Therapy, Pediatric Therapy

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: Ages Newborn–10

Hi, I am Aman­da Wag­n­er and I have been a mem­ber of the Quin­cy Med­ical Group’s Pedi­atric Ther­a­py team since 2011. I enjoy work­ing close­ly with our therapy/​global team, each patient, and each patien­t’s fam­i­ly, in order to devel­op the most effec­tive treat­ment plan to facil­i­tate com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills for each patient. I strive to pro­vide moti­vat­ing ther­a­py ses­sions uti­liz­ing the most effec­tive and cur­rent best prac­tices in speech ther­a­py imple­men­ta­tion. My goal is to always help my patients to com­mu­ni­cate as effec­tive­ly as pos­si­ble in order to make a pos­i­tive impact on their lives and the lives their families.

Professional Certifications
Licensed Speech Language Pathologist, Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
Clinical Interests

I spe­cial­ize in eval­u­a­tion and treat­ment of a vari­ety of lan­guage, speech and com­mu­ni­ca­tion dis­or­der, with spe­cial­ized train­ing in the areas of child­hood aprax­ia of speech/​motor speech dis­or­ders (PROMPT trained, DTTC trained), Aug­men­ta­tive and Alter­na­tive Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (AAC), Speech Artic­u­la­tion dis­or­ders, Phono­log­i­cal Speech Dis­or­ders, Ear­ly Lan­guage and Speech Delays, and speech and lan­guage delays asso­ci­at­ed with Autism, Down Syn­drome and Chro­mo­so­mal Differences.

Personal Interests

Camp­ing with my hus­band and 3 girls. Play­ing both sand and indoor vol­ley­ball with my best friend. Spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends.

Great River Autism Connection Down Country
Eastern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2004 Degree: BS, Communication Disorders and Sciences
Eastern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2006 Degree: MS, Communication Disorders and Sciences


Communication Disorder Evalution and Treatment, Language Comprehension Evaluation and Treatment, Speech Fluency Evaluations and Treatments, Speech Sound Production Evaluation and Treatment


Apraxia of Speech, Articulation and Phonology Disorders, Functional Communication Delays, Motor Speech Disorders, Receptive and Expressive Delays