Allison Clark, MA, LPC

Child Psychology, Pediatric Assessment Center, Pediatric Therapy

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

Hel­lo and wel­come. My name is Alli­son Clark, and I work in the Pedi­atric Assess­ment Cen­ter as a psy­chome­trist. I believe in cre­at­ing a safe and sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment for our care­givers to dis­cuss the strengths and hard­ships of their child’s life and their hopes for their child’s future. I aim to pro­vide a com­fort­able envi­ron­ment for our patients to dis­play their unique strengths and chal­lenges through their assessment.


Professional Certifications
Licensed Professional Counselor (MO), Psychometrist
Personal Interests

I enjoy read­ing books, craft­ing, and spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and dogs.

Blackburn College Graduation Date: 2008 Degree: BA
University of Illinois - Springfield Graduation Date: 2011 Degree: MA