Hello! My name is Dr. Adam Derhake! As a person born right here in Quincy, IL, I have deep personal ties to the Tri-State Area on both sides of my family! As such, after the completion of my medical training in 2009 I knew that I wanted to settle right back here at Quincy Medical Group. Since then, I have been blessed with a busy and rewarding practice focusing entirely on the subspecialty of sports medicine and arthroscopy of the shoulder and knee. As a result of my subspecialty focus, I have been able to provide the same quality of arthroscopic care right here in Quincy that was previously only obtainable in a large tertiary care center. I believe in non-biased, objective orthopedic care that seeks to return my patients to their full functionality in the least invasive, quickest way possible.

Adam Derhake, MD
Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, QMG Ortho Now
Want to learn more about your procedures? View my video playlist on YouTube >
I am passionate about the arthroscopic treatment of disorders of the shoulder and knee. I am also passionate about treating local athletes. Throughout my years in Quincy, I have served as the team physician for both QND and QHS football programs. I have been the team physician for the Quincy High School boy’s basketball program since 2009. I pride myself on providing the same level of game coverage for our local high school athletes that I used to give as a member of Miami Heat medical staff.
Outside of my practice, I love spending time with my wife and daughter. We love to travel the world, and there is no place that isn’t on our future travel plans. I have a captain’s license for bareboat sailing. We love to sail in the Caribbean to get away and relax. I grew up working at a golf club, and golf has long been a large part of my life. I love seeing different courses all over the world. As a family, we love sports and spend many days in the gym supporting my daughter’s volleyball passion. We love competition in all its forms.