Samantha Wilson, PT, DPT

Pediatric Physical Therapy, Pediatric Therapy

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: Children and Adolescents

I believe a child’s work is play. My treat­ment ses­sions are often child led to improve com­pli­ance. I also believe that phys­i­cal ther­a­pists should empow­er patients and their fam­i­lies to take lead on their own care. Edu­ca­tion is the key to success.

Board Certifications
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Awards & Accolades
Quincy Medical Group Unparalleled Care Award
Clinical Interests

Tor­ti­col­liss, Col­io­sis, Chil­dren with com­plex phys­i­cal needs

Personal Interests

While not work­ing, I enjoy spend­ing time with my 3 kids and hus­band. We enjoy being out­side, play­ing sports, and explor­ing the outdoors.

Quincy University Graduation Date: 2010 Degree: BS, Exercise Science
Maryville University Degree: DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy


Aquatic Therapy, Balance and Postural Retraining, Bilateral Coordination Retraining, Fascia Release, Spider Cage Training, Strengthening


Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Down Syndrome, Hypertonia, Hypotonia, Muscular Dystrophy, Poor Posture, Spina Bifida, Sport Injuries, Toe Walking, Torticollis