Erin Sheffield, DDS

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages
I know that going to the den­tist, (and the Oral Sur­geon at that!), can be a nerve wrack­ing expe­ri­ence. My mis­sion is to pro­vide as pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence as pos­si­ble whether you are hav­ing a tooth extract­ed or some­thing even more com­plex. My team and I are com­mit­ted to pro­vide a car­ing and com­fort­able atmos­phere while offer­ing mul­ti­ple lev­els of anes­the­sia to cater to your needs and safety.
Board Certifications
American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Diplomat, Doctor of Dental Surgery
Professional Certifications
Licensed Dentist Controlled Substance State of Illinois, Dental Sedation Permit, Licensed Specialist in Dentistry, Licensed Dentist, Certificate of Office Anesthesia Evaluation
Awards & Accolades
Teaching Appointment - Assistant Professor University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics 2015-2020
Outstanding DDS Volunteer Award - Dental Lifeline Network
International Congress of Implantologists Award
Philip Boyne Scholarship Award
Dows Research Award
Clinical Interests
Den­tal implants, Pre-pros­thet­ic surgery (graft­ing, etc), Third molar removal and man­age­ment, Oral Pathol­o­gy, In office anes­the­sia, Den­tal anxiety/​phobia, and Antibi­ot­ic stewardship
Personal Interests
Dr. Sheffield con­sid­ers her work at QMG the best side gig around to being mom to her three young chil­dren. In a past life, she played lacrosse in col­lege and was a cer­ti­fied SCU­BA instruc­tor. She has a pas­sion for edu­ca­tion and men­tor­ship. She enjoys speak­ing, pod­cast­ing, and using social media to advo­cate for women and minori­ties in STEM/​healthcare and empow­er­ing patients to under­stand and take own­er­ship of their oral health and over­all well­ness. She enjoys exer­cise, piano, cycling, and work­ing on her his­toric home.
American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Illinois State Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery American Dental Association Quincy Medical Group Antibiotic Stewardship Committee TL Gilmer Dental Society

Quincy Medical Group Surgery Center
3301 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 277-4090 Get Directions
Blessing Hospital
1005 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 223-1200 Get Directions
Blessing Surgery Center
1100 Spring Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 277-3505 Get Directions
University of Iowa College of Dentistry Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: DDS, Doctor of Dental Surgery
Brigham Young University Graduation Date: 2001 Degree: BS, Biology
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


Bone Grafting, Corrective Jaw Surgery, Dental Implants, Dentoalveolar Surgery, Facial Trauma Procedures, Oral Pathology, Sinus Lifts/Augmentation, Soft Tissue Grafting, TMJ and Facial Pain, Therapeutic Botox, Tooth Extractions, Wisdom Teeth Removal


Dental and Facial Infection, Facial Fractures & Trauma, Missing Teeth, Non restorable Teeth, Oral Pathology, TMJ & Facial Pain, Wisdom Teeth