Abraham Sheffield, PhD, MD

Ear, Nose, & Throat (ENT)

116 Ratings
Practices In: Carthage, Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

Hel­lo, my name is Dr. Abra­ham Sheffield, and I’m an adult and pedi­atric oto­laryn­gol­o­gist at Quin­cy Med­ical Group. I am pas­sion­ate about pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el of care to my patients, and I tru­ly enjoy what I do.

I am com­mit­ted to mutu­al deci­sion-mak­ing. I believe that the best out­comes are achieved when we work togeth­er. I see my role as an advi­sor, pro­vid­ing you with rec­om­men­da­tions based on the lat­est and most reli­able evi­dence-based med­i­cine. I under­stand that you are the expert on your body and the best per­son to make deci­sions about your care. I’ll ensure you have all the infor­ma­tion and sup­port you need to make choic­es that are right for you.

I look for­ward to part­ner­ing with you on your health jour­ney and pro­vid­ing the care and sup­port you need.

Board Certifications
American Board of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, Subspecialty Certification in Complex Pediatric Otolaryngology
English, Japanese
Awards & Accolades
Inspire® Implant Excellence Program Member
Clinical Interests

I love the wide vari­ety of patients and con­di­tions that we are able to treat in Oto­laryn­gol­o­gy. I have par­tic­u­lar clin­i­cal inter­ests in tak­ing care of pedi­atric patients and patients with obstruc­tive sleep apnea.

Personal Interests

Out­side of med­i­cine, my pri­or­i­ty is spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly — my won­der­ful wife and our three chil­dren. I am com­mit­ted to my faith and I enjoy serv­ing at church and in the community. 

I also have a vari­ety of inter­ests and hob­bies. I speak Japan­ese, a skill I devel­oped dur­ing the two years I lived in Japan, and still try to study a lit­tle bit each day. One of my favorite pas­times is bak­ing (which cer­tain­ly orig­i­nat­ed from my sweet tooth). I espe­cial­ly enjoy bak­ing cakes for my fam­i­ly mem­bers on their birthdays. 

In addi­tion to bak­ing, I enjoy stay­ing active by par­tic­i­pat­ing in sports like cycling and bas­ket­ball. These activ­i­ties help me stay healthy and pro­vide a great way to unwind. When I have some down­time, I love to read. While I typ­i­cal­ly pre­fer non-fic­tion books, I always bring a legal thriller fic­tion book with me when I’m on an out-of-town vaca­tion. It’s a great way to relax and escape into a dif­fer­ent world for a while.

American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology American Rhinologic Society

Quincy Medical Group Surgery Center
3301 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 277-4090 Get Directions
Blessing Hospital
1005 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 223-1200 Get Directions
Memorial Hospital
1454 North Co Road 2050 Carthage, Illinois 62321 (217) 357-8500 Get Directions
Brigham Young University Graduation Date: 2004 Degree: BA, Japanese
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Graduation Date: 2012 Degree: MD
University of Iowa Graduation Date: 2012 Degree: PhD, Genetics
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital Complex Pediatric Otolaryngology
Provider’s Research
Genetics PhD researching gene therapy options for hearing loss


Adenoidectomy, Biopsy and Excision of Lesion in head and neck region, Drug-induced Sleep Endoscopy, Ear Tubes, Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation, Excision of Congenital Neck Masses, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator (Inspire Implant) for sleep apnea, Laryngoscopy, Latera Implants, Microlaryngeal Surgery, Myringoplasty, Nasal cautery for epistaxis, Nasal fracture reduction, Septoplasty, Soft palate and uvula surgery for sleep apnea, Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergy, Tonsillectomy, Turbinate Reduction, Tympanoplasty


Airway Disorders (Stridor), Allergy, Balance Disorders, Chronic Sinusitis/Sinus Infections, Deviated Septum, Ear Infections (Otitis Externa, Otitis Media), Epistaxis (nosebleeds), Foreign Bodies, Hearing Loss, Hoarseness & Voice Disorders, Nasal Congestion, Nasal Fractures, Nasal Obstruction, Nasal Polyps, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Salivary Gland Disorders, Tinnitus, Tongue & Lip Ties, Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis


Ratings Category

The Patient Satisfaction Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our independent rating system, the Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.

Patient Satisfaction Rating

116 Ratings

Likelihood of recommending this provider

116 Ratings

Provider included you in decisions

110 Ratings

Provider showed concern

115 Ratings

Provider explained things clearly

113 Ratings

Provider discussed treatment options

113 Ratings


Comments are collected in our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Patients are de-identified to protect confidentiality and patient privacy. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.
"Dr Sheffield is an asset and he always goes above and beyond for the care of his patients! We are blessed to have him"
Nov. 20, 2024
Nov. 12, 2024
"Dr Sheffield listens and contemplates his decisions, treatment plans very well."
Nov. 4, 2024
"Dr Sheffield is a wonderful doctor who I feel wants the best for me."
Nov. 4, 2024
"Answered all questions I had and explained the lab results."
Oct. 28, 2024
"If I could give Dr. Sheffeld a 10! I would great experience"
Aug. 7, 2024
"Services rendered bye Dr.Sheffield and his staff was excellent !"
Jul. 15, 2024
"Good we discuss where to go with treatment"
Jul. 4, 2024
"I blindly trust the doctors, nurses and all personnel in QMG are superb"
Jun. 18, 2024
"Dr Sheffield has gone above and beyond with my current sinus disease and pending surgery. I feel like I can ask him anything. Really love the portal method of messaging. He or his staff have kindly answered when I have had post appointment questions."
Jun. 6, 2024
"6. The best."
May. 31, 2024
"The doctor is the best."
Apr. 19, 2024
"We find that Dr. Sheffield and his staff offer excellent care and always listen to our concerns."
Apr. 15, 2024
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