Online Bill Pay

On the go? No prob­lem! You can eas­i­ly check your bill and pay it any­time, any­where with our online billing sys­tem. Uti­liz­ing your per­son­al myEasy­Match® Code on your state­ment, you can quick­ly make a one-time pay­ment with­out log­ging in. Or set­up an online account where you can view or down­load your state­ments and make payments. 

Make an Online Payment

Need to set­up an account? 

  1. Vis­it https://​quin​cymed​group​.myse​cure​bill​.com/​e​n​r​o​l​lment.
  2. Enter your myEasy­Match® Code and your zip code. Your myEasy­Match® Code can be found on the front side of your statement.
  3. Fol­low the steps to com­plete your registration.

After set­ting up your account, you will be able to view or down­load your state­ments, make online pay­ments, set­up a pay­ment plan, and update your state­ment deliv­ery and com­mu­ni­ca­tion preferences.

Cre­ate An Account

Need Help?

  • Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions (FAQ): Get quick answers to com­mon inquiries by click­ing here.
  • Give us a call: You can speak with a QMG rep­re­sen­ta­tive, Mon­day – Fri­day between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. by call­ing (217) 277‑4077. After hours? You can leave a mes­sage and we’ll get back with you the next busi­ness day.
  • Online Chat: Talk direct­ly with a QMG rep­re­sen­ta­tive dur­ing busi­ness hours (Mon­day – Fri­day, 8 a.m. — 5 p.m.) by click­ing the chat icon in the bot­tom right cor­ner of the online billing web­site.
  • 247 Phone Pay­ment: Call us any­time at (217) 277‑4077 to make a secure pay­ment with your cred­it card, deb­it card, or eCheck.