Quincy Medical Group Strengthens the Battle Against Breast Cancer

March 23, 2023

Breast can­cer affects mil­lions of women around the world. In fact, about one in eight women will devel­op breast can­cer in their life­time. But at Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG), women don’t have to face it all by them­selves, and they don’t have to endure the anx­i­ety to wait and see what they are fac­ing. With the recent addi­tion of the tech­nolo­gies of stereo­tac­tic biop­sy and Magseed®/​Magtrace®, QMG’s team of experts is strength­en­ing the fight against breast cancer.

These advanced tech­nolo­gies help detect and treat breast can­cer and are a part of QMG’s com­pre­hen­sive treat­ment approach to breast can­cer care. QMG’s mam­mog­ra­phy team recent­ly achieved its Amer­i­can Col­lege of Radi­ol­o­gy (ACR) accred­i­ta­tion for the stereo­tac­tic biop­sy pro­ce­dure. QMG’s reg­u­lar mam­mog­ra­phy imag­ing ser­vices and ultra­sound breast imag­ing ser­vices pre­vi­ous­ly achieved ACR accreditation.

We basi­cal­ly have every modal­i­ty that could pos­si­bly be need­ed, from screen­ing mam­mog­ra­phy to breast can­cer surgery,” said QMG Radi­ol­o­gist Robert Haag, M.D.

Stereo­tac­tic Biop­sy Helps Detect Breast Cancer

A wom­an’s best defense against breast can­cer is ear­ly detec­tion. Dr. Haag, who is fel­low­ship-trained in breast imag­ing, said breast can­cer screen­ing for women typ­i­cal­ly begins at age 40 unless oth­er risk fac­tors or con­cerns are present. If find­ings from a mam­mo­gram war­rant addi­tion­al steps for a patient, then a stereo­tac­tic biop­sy may be used.

Stereo­tac­tic core biop­sy was devel­oped as an alter­na­tive to sur­gi­cal biop­sy. It is a less inva­sive way to obtain the tis­sue sam­ples need­ed for diag­no­sis. This pro­ce­dure requires less recov­ery time than a sur­gi­cal biop­sy and typ­i­cal­ly min­i­mal scar­ring to the breast.

No one wants a diag­no­sis of breast can­cer, and unfor­tu­nate­ly we’re not at a point that we can erad­i­cate breast can­cer, but what we’re real­ly after is try­ing to catch this as ear­ly as pos­si­ble,” said Dr. Haag.

Magseed®/​Magtrace® Pro­vides Pre­cise Sur­gi­cal Care

To help fur­ther improve out­comes for our community’s breast can­cer patients, QMG Breast Sur­geon Chris­t­ian Zwick, D.O. now offers Magseed® and Mag­trace®, inno­v­a­tive can­cer tech­nolo­gies that allow him to pre­cise­ly remove can­cer­ous tis­sue with­out the use of wire.

Magseed® is a small met­al seed designed to accu­rate­ly mark can­cer in the breast or adja­cent lymph nodes, allow­ing pre­cise and accu­rate removal dur­ing surgery. Pri­or to the surgery, a sen­tinel node biop­sy pro­ce­dure uti­liz­ing Mag­trace® is per­formed. Mag­trace® is a liq­uid lym­phat­ic trac­er made up of tiny mag­net­ic par­ti­cles that are able to quick­ly pass through the lym­phat­ic sys­tem, fol­low­ing the same poten­tial path a spread­ing can­cer cell would take. This allows our physi­cians to deter­mine the tumor stage and guide patients on the best treat­ment path for them.

My main focus when car­ing for patients with breast can­cer is to cure them of their can­cer. My sec­ondary focus is I want them to for­get they had can­cer, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they look at them­selves,” said Dr. Zwick. With these pro­ce­dures, we can remove less breast tis­sue and can be more con­fi­dent that the mar­gins are neg­a­tive. It’s also more con­ve­nient for the patient allow­ing for quick­er recuperation.”

To learn more about these pro­ce­dures from Dr. Zwick, click here.

Cre­at­ing an Ide­al Place for Breast Can­cer Care

The team of experts at QMG takes a com­pre­hen­sive approach to breast care, which includes the spe­cial­ties of women’s health, imag­ing, radi­ol­o­gy, surgery, and oncol­o­gy. The team moves quick­ly for patients to help put their minds at ease.

Once we know that a patient has a con­cern­ing mam­mo­gram or any con­cerns, we’re going to get them in quick­ly. They don’t have to wor­ry any longer than they have to,” Dr. Zwick said. I’m very proud of what we can offer our patients here. I mean they’re going to get the best care pos­si­ble right here.”

For more infor­ma­tion on Quin­cy Med­ical Group, vis­it quin​cymed​group​.com.