Quincy Medical Group Offers New Treatments for Breast Cancer

March 22, 2018

Tra­di­tion­al­ly, the sur­gi­cal treat­ment of breast can­cer con­sists of two choic­es, mas­tec­to­my, and lumpec­to­my. A mas­tec­to­my typ­i­cal­ly involves removal of the breast includ­ing the nip­ple. Lumpec­to­my gen­er­al­ly involves remov­ing breast tis­sue at the site of the tumor. Both of these pro­ce­dures have lim­i­ta­tions from a cos­met­ic stand­point. With a mas­tec­to­my, there is a loss of the breast. With lumpec­to­my, there is scar­ring at the sur­gi­cal site and inden­ta­tion in the breast from loss of breast tis­sues. New­er tech­niques allow not only for sim­i­lar cura­tive rates, but much bet­ter cosme­sis. Quin­cy Med­ical Group now offers these new treat­ments for breast cancer

Recent advances by sur­geons at Quin­cy Med­ical Group allow for sub­stan­tial­ly improved results, Dr. Chrisi­tan Zwick is able to per­form a skin and nip­ple spar­ing mas­tec­to­my. In most instances, this pro­ce­dure is com­plet­ed in con­junc­tion with his sur­gi­cal coun­ter­part, Dr. Eric Fynn-Thomp­son, who at the same set­ting pro­vides an imme­di­ate recon­struc­tion of the breast.

In addi­tion to the above pro­ce­dure, Dr. Zwick is able to offer patients new adjuncts for those indi­vid­u­als who are hav­ing a lumpec­to­my as a treat­ment for breast tumors, Oncoplas­tics. These are tech­niques which not only remove the tumor but allows for rearrange­ment of the breast tis­sue to main­tain the con­tour or shape of the breast. In addi­tion, these pro­ce­dures can be per­formed through hid­den scars to reduce the vis­i­ble signs of surgery.

These tech­niques are a major advance­ment in the treat­ment of breast can­cer and they are very new to this area. Now we can treat breast can­cer patients not only with cura­tive intent but also allow for min­i­mal to no signs that they had surgery at all.

For more infor­ma­tion call 217−222−6550, ext. 3153 or vis­it quin​cymed​group​.com.