Quincy Medical Group Imaging receives Accreditations in Breast Ultrasound, CT and Nuclear Medicine

June 04, 2019

Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) has again been award­ed accred­i­ta­tion in Breast Ultra­sound, Com­put­er­ized Tomog­ra­phy (CT) and Nuclear Med­i­cine as the result of a recent sur­vey by the Amer­i­can Col­lege of Radiology.

The Amer­i­can Col­lege of Radi­ol­o­gy is at the fore­front of radi­ol­o­gy evo­lu­tion, rep­re­sent­ing more than 38,000 radi­ol­o­gists, radi­a­tion oncol­o­gists, nuclear med­i­cine physi­cians and med­ical physi­cists. Its core pur­pose is to serve patients and soci­ety by empow­er­ing mem­bers to advance the prac­tice, sci­ence and pro­fes­sions of radi­o­log­i­cal care.

The ACR awards accred­i­ta­tion to facil­i­ties for the achieve­ment of high prac­tice stan­dards after a peer-review eval­u­a­tion of its prac­tice. Image qual­i­ty and pro­ce­dure eval­u­a­tions are con­duct­ed by board-cer­ti­fied radi­ol­o­gists and med­ical physi­cists who are experts in the field. The pro­gram also eval­u­ates per­son­nel qual­i­fi­ca­tions, ade­qua­cy of facil­i­ty equip­ment, qual­i­ty con­trol pro­ce­dures and qual­i­ty assur­ance pro­grams. All find­ings are report­ed to the prac­tice via a com­pre­hen­sive report that includes rec­om­men­da­tions for improvement.

Quin­cy Med­ical Group strives to pro­vide patients the high­est lev­el of ser­vice,” says Dol­ly Lit­tle, Direc­tor of Imag­ing Ser­vices. Receiv­ing these accred­i­ta­tions demon­strates our con­tin­ued com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty and to our patients. When patients choose Quin­cy Med­ical Group, an ACR-accred­it­ed facil­i­ty, they will know that QMG has gone through a rig­or­ous review process to be sure it meets nation­al­ly-accept­ed standards.”

For more infor­ma­tion on QMG’s imag­ing ser­vices, vis­it quin​cymed​group​.com.