Quincy Medical Group and the QMG Healthcare Foundation Present Donation To Lewis County Food Pantry

January 03, 2019

CAN­TON, MO – Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG), on behalf of Dr. Arvin Abueg, and the QMG Health­care Foun­da­tion are sup­port­ing local fam­i­lies in Lewis Coun­ty, MO, with dona­tions to the Lewis Coun­ty Food Pantry.

QMG recent­ly wel­comed Dr. Arvin Abueg to the Can­ton com­mu­ni­ty as a Fam­i­ly Prac­tice physi­cian. QMG and Dr. Abueg want­ed to give back to the com­mu­ni­ty and make an impact on indi­vid­u­als need­ing sup­port with a $1,000 dona­tion to pur­chase food items for the local food pantry. In addi­tion, the QMG Health­care Foun­da­tion donat­ed funds to pur­chase a new freez­er for the pantry which allows the pantry to pro­vide meat and oth­er frozen food items.

We nev­er want fam­i­lies to have to choose between food or med­ica­tion. The Lewis Coun­ty Food Pantry improves the qual­i­ty of life for so many who are faced with this dilem­ma each day,” said Dr. Abueg. Quin­cy Med­ical Group is proud to sup­port our friends and neigh­bors here in our community.”

Pas­tor Aman­da Gosik with the Lewis Coun­ty Food Pantry says the gifts are valu­able to local fam­i­lies. We serve an aver­age of 250 fam­i­lies a month. These fam­i­lies vary in needs. We have young fam­i­lies mak­ing sure their chil­dren get fed. We have fam­i­lies that have recent­ly lost jobs or have been laid off. And seniors that would have to decide between food or med­ica­tions. The food they receive helps tremen­dous­ly in mak­ing sure that no one goes hungry.”

The new freez­er, she says, allows for prop­er stor­age to allow the orga­ni­za­tion to col­lect and store frozen food items such as meat. The pro­tein is valu­able to clients of the pantry because at times it is the only meal they will receive for a month. The food dona­tions will help to con­tin­ue to pro­vide qual­i­ty food to those that come in each month.

For more infor­ma­tion on the QMG Health­care Foun­da­tion vis­it quin​cymed​group​.com. To learn more about the Lewis Coun­ty Food Pantry or to make a dona­tion to the Lewis Coun­ty Food Pantry vis­it the Lewis Coun­ty – MO Food Pantry Face­book page.