QMG Welcomes Dr. Lindsay Brink

September 06, 2017

As a new mom, Pedi­a­tri­cian Dr. Lind­say Brink wants her fam­i­lies to know that she under­stands both the joy and chal­lenges par­ent­hood brings. As a new par­ent, I’m learn­ing and shar­ing in some of the same expe­ri­ences as my fam­i­lies. I’m here to help them over­come the bad sit­u­a­tions, cheer them on as they suc­ceed in the good moments, and be part of all those lit­tle moments in between.”

Dr. Brink is thrilled to join the Quin­cy Med­ical Group fam­i­ly and Quin­cy com­mu­ni­ty, her husband’s home­town. Her hus­band is fin­ish­ing his last year of res­i­den­cy and will join QMG next year as a Fam­i­ly Prac­tice Physi­cian. Togeth­er they look for­ward to putting roots down here along with their son.

She comes to QMG, after a res­i­den­cy at Children’s Hos­pi­tal of Illi­nois in Peo­ria. There she spent time in the neona­tal inten­sive care unit and pedi­atric depart­ment, car­ing for kids fac­ing a vari­ety of sit­u­a­tions which has pro­vid­ed her with a well-round­ed expe­ri­ence to bring to QMG. I took care of healthy new­borns, along with pre­ma­ture infants, kids with can­cer, and kids with rare ill­ness­es, things that are very spe­cial­ized. That spec­trum of ill­ness is unique. I’ve seen a lot, and I’ve expe­ri­enced a lot. Hav­ing that blend of expe­ri­ence built me into a great pediatrician.”

Dr. Brink received her Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree in Exer­cise and Sports Sci­ences from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Flori­da and her med­ical degree from A.T. Still Uni­ver­si­ty – Kirksville Col­lege of Osteo­path­ic Med­i­cine in Kirksville, Mis­souri. She com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in pedi­atrics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois Col­lege of Med­i­cine at Peoria.

To sched­ule an appoint­ment with Dr. Brink, call 217−222−6550, ext. 3333.