QMG to Offer Alternative Delivery Option with New Birth Center

September 27, 2021

QMG has announced plans for a Birth Cen­ter on the cam­pus of its 3301 Broad­way St. loca­tion in Quin­cy at the Quin­cy Town Center.

The Birth Cen­ter will offer a safe, cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to the tra­di­tion­al hos­pi­tal birthing expe­ri­ence. The project requires approval from the Illi­nois Health Facil­i­ties and Ser­vices Review Board. When approved, the QMG Birth Cen­ter will be the first birth cen­ter in our region and the fifth in the state of Illinois.

QMG OBG­YN, Board Mem­ber, and Birth Cen­ter Med­ical Direc­tor Dr. Jean Alexan­dre shared, Every preg­nan­cy is unique and a woman’s birth expe­ri­ence should be too. The QMG Birth Cen­ter is an incred­i­ble option for women with a low-risk preg­nan­cy who want to have a nat­ur­al birthing expe­ri­ence. It’s impor­tant to pro­vide options so that every birth plan can be offered in our com­mu­ni­ty. The QMG Birth Cen­ter is also an afford­able alter­na­tive to hos­pi­tal delivery.”

The pro­posed QMG Birth Cen­ter will have three birthing rooms and will be exclu­sive­ly ded­i­cat­ed to serv­ing the child­birth-relat­ed needs of women and their new­borns. It will offer a fam­i­ly-cen­tered envi­ron­ment, includ­ing a des­ig­nat­ed space for pre­na­tal vis­its and antepar­tum testing.

Dr. Alexan­dre con­tin­ued, The QMG Birth Cen­ter will offer an atmos­phere where fam­i­lies stay togeth­er dur­ing and after deliv­ery in a home-like envi­ron­ment, so women and their fam­i­lies feel com­fort­able through­out their deliv­ery experience.”

Women who deliv­er at a birth cen­ter often expe­ri­ence short­er recov­ery times because few­er med­ica­tions and med­ical inter­ven­tions are involved. This leads to low­er cost of care for patients, Dr. Alexan­dre added. The QMG Birth Cen­ter will be an unpar­al­leled facil­i­ty with tubs for water births and areas for moth­ers to walk and rest dur­ing labor. Moth­ers will feel like they’re at home while sup­port­ed by a care team skilled in nat­ur­al delivery.

The QMG Birth Cen­ter will be sup­port­ed by QMG’s team of board-cer­ti­fied obste­tri­cians and mid­wives who will sup­port moth­ers in devel­op­ing birth expe­ri­ences that hon­or their wish­es and eval­u­ate if a birth at the birth cen­ter is the best med­ical option for a safe delivery.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

What is being announced?

QMG has announced plans for a Birth Cen­ter on the cam­pus of the 3301 Broad­way St. loca­tion in Quin­cy at the Quin­cy Town Center.

What is a birth center?

  • A birth cen­ter is a safe, cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to the tra­di­tion­al hos­pi­tal birthing experience.
  • The QMG Birth Cen­ter is an incred­i­ble option for women with a low-risk preg­nan­cy who want to have a nat­ur­al birthing experience.
  • It’s impor­tant to pro­vide options so that every birth plan can be offered in our community.
  • The QMG Birth Cen­ter is also an afford­able alter­na­tive to hos­pi­tal delivery.
  • Women who deliv­er at a birth cen­ter often expe­ri­ence short­er recov­ery times because few­er med­ica­tions and med­ical inter­ven­tions are involved. This leads to low­er cost of care for patients.
  • The QMG Birth Cen­ter will be an unpar­al­leled facil­i­ty with tubs for water births and areas for moth­ers to walk and rest dur­ing labor. Moth­ers will feel like they’re at home while sup­port­ed by a care team skilled in nat­ur­al delivery.

Are there oth­er birth cen­ters in our area?

No, when approved, the QMG Birth Cen­ter will be the first birth cen­ter in our region and the fifth in the state of Illinois.

What will the birth cen­ter include?

  • The pro­posed QMG Birth Cen­ter will have three birthing rooms and will be exclu­sive­ly ded­i­cat­ed to serv­ing the child­birth-relat­ed needs of women and their newborns.
  • The birth cen­ter will offer a fam­i­ly-cen­tered envi­ron­ment, includ­ing a des­ig­nat­ed space for pre­na­tal vis­its and antepar­tum testing.
  • The QMG Birth Cen­ter will offer an atmos­phere where fam­i­lies stay togeth­er dur­ing and after deliv­ery in a home-like envi­ron­ment, so women and their fam­i­lies feel com­fort­able through­out their deliv­ery experience.